Chapter Four - Birthday

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The day is finally here. I am officially 16 years old and the best part I can legally date Nate Archibald. I decide to get up early, shower and leave for school and get there early and maybe even go to my classes and not run off with Nate and sit in the park and you know make out. Just before I got in the shower I ended up throwing up again. I have been sick every morning since three weeks ago when Nate told me he loves me. I have no clue whats wrong with me I mean i'm not even losing weight. I'm putting it on! Iv'e been a size 6 since I started high school but I've now jumped up to an eight in three weeks!

It takes me a good hour and a half before I head for school. I notice Serena, Dan, Blair and Chuck all sitting at the usual table. I go to walk over when Jenny shout me over.

"OMG Carly. I know why your being sick every morning!" she actually shouted this so I had to shut her up. I sort of shoved her and she figured out what I was saying. "Sorry! Well any way listen. Either your like extremely ill or... your pregnant." Luckily she whispered this so no one heard. I all of a sudden felt really sick and wanted to cry. Me pregnant! It couldn't happen! I mean Nate did use a condom. Didn't he? I just laughed at her.

"How can I be pregnant. One i'm too young and two I don't have a boyfriend." Okay so I was lying but only to save Nates ass, I mean if Chuck found out I slept with his best mate or that his best mate slept with his younger sister, I think he would kill us both.

My phone vibrates and I notice I have a text from Nate,

Nate: Happy Birthday Babe! Tonight we tell everyone! Are you wanting to leave school with me or stay? xx

I know I said I wanted to go to all classes but I now want to know if I am pregnant and if I am find out how Nate feels. 

Me: Meet me at the chemist need to grab something. xx 

I text Nate and start to leave when Chuck spots me and grabs me.

"Where do you think your going?" he asks

"I don't feel well and I want to not feel ill at the party" He gave me a dirty look and I knew he didn't want me to leave but he lets me anyway.

*2 hours later*

After I grabbed a pregnancy test without Nate seeing I demanded we went home and watched movies. Once Nate put the movie on a went quickly to the bathroom took the test, put it on the side, I then stood up to leave when I felt sick again. I threw up in the toilet and I heard the movie pause and Nate walk towards the bathroom.

"Knock Knock, Im coming in so watch out." I tried to not let him in but he shoved the door open I then tried to stand up and grab the test so he wouldn't see it but I threw up again and it fell on the floor.

"Nate! No!" He walks in anyway and sees the test on the floor.

"Carly what is this. Why do you..." I think it click in his brain and he helped me up and we both looked at it together .Positive. I started to cry.

"No NO No! Nate I'm so sorry I didn't plan to get pregnant. I...I" He stops me by putting his finger to my lips. "Are you upset?" I ask him. His facial expression change from serious to happy.

"No of course not Carly! I love you and if we were stupid enough to have sex without protection the I'm pretty sure I was waiting for this to happen." I was overwhelmed that he was happy about me being pregnant with his baby.

"Wait you never used protection! Why didn't you say anything?" 

"Cause I thought you would hate me and not want to talk to me for being an idiot." I smile at him and he smiles back. Then one thought popped into my head.

"What am I going to say to Chuck and my dad?!" We both sort of stare at each other not knowing what to say and I break down and start to cry. Nate tries to comfort me but it doesn't help.

"He...He would make me get rid of it"I say between the tears. Nate grabs my face and looks straight at me.

"I won't let him. I won't let anyone. This is my child to and we will have it no matter what anyone thinks!" I was so grateful that I had Nate with me for this and now I just have to wait till the party to tell everyone.

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