pickled onion divorce papers.

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Pairings: Ex! Dilf!Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Warnings: Smut under the cut, 18+ Minors DNI, oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex, lemme know what I've missed!
Author's Note: okay i haven't written smut in a long time, and ye I don't understand the title either I just liked it

Summary: Your ex-husband is desperate to reconnect at your son's 7th birthday.

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Your son turned 7. A parade of young children flooded your small backyard on a bright summer's day in June, each excited to celebrate on the expensive bounce house you'd rented. Blown a good chunk of your savings on it. Some cautious parents hovered around the rainbow entrance, while most sat on lawn chairs, soaking up some rays themselves. You sat out another tray of assorted goodies on your kitchen island - a stack of napkins ready to be used by sticky hands and grubby faces. Truthfully, Harry's parties had been average at best, in the past. But this year you were determined to stick it to your ex-husband. Of course, you wanted the best for your son, as any mother would. But, there was no denying the excitement that escaped when thinking about how you'd remain the favourite parent for a little while longer.

"You did a good job," Eddie said, leaning on the frame of the patio doors. A half-empty bottle of something in his hand, "Harry's loving it"

'No thanks to you' You thought but bit your tongue instead. "Yeah, it's been a tough time for him, he deserves it"

"And you?"

Your ex-husband was insufferable when he got like this. He could read you like a book, but never when it counted. Which was part of the reason why you split in the first place.

"I think you know how I feel Edward-"

"Wow, Edward, huh" he laughed, "I see how it is,"

"Not today," you warned. Fully aware of what was coming next.

He wanted to talk about it. He wanted to talk about the divorce papers that had appeared through the letterbox of his uncle's trailer a few days earlier. Where he had been staying since December when you split. He wanted to talk about how you were feeling. He wanted to talk to you, and only you. Just once.

"Then when?" He huffed, moving from his position and to your side of the island counter. The same long fluffy hair, even though it was wildly out of fashion now.

"When there's a solicitor present"

You swung the cabinet door open, nearly missing the gorgeous face of your ex-husband. Pulling a jar of pickled onions from somewhere up back. They were bound to be eaten by someone.

"C'mon, this can seriously be what you want Y/N" Eddie tried, watching as you struggled to open the tight jar.

"What I want is to enjoy our son's birthday without another argument," You reply, breathing out slowly as Eddie takes the jar from your hand and opens it with ease, "I had that."

He smiles softly, "I know you did"

The conversation was dropped as 25 hungry little monsters crowded your kitchen, ravenous for chocolate and crisps. One of the mothers begged her twins to have something more substantial than a handful of party rings. Harry - the absolute double of his father stood away from the group. Mouth full of cocktail sausage and big brown baby cow eyes.

In the commotion, Eddie had found himself next to you, serving up paper plates of various finger foods. You didn't notice as his hands brushed your hips as he passed. It was such a natural thing so long ago. His grip tightened as the kitchen emptied again.

"I've missed this," he confessed, whispering, unable to move from his spot.

A shaky breath, "Eddie, you're only making this harder than it needs to be"

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