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Hello everyone

At hospital
Karan pov
I heard/felt preeta's mumble and try to move but fail to do it. I just lean more closer to preeta and start to tear up again.

Preeta : Karan....(eyes closed but sense the presence of karan beside her, tears flows from sidewards of her eyes) Are (sob) OK
Karan : (no response) By all his strength he took his right hand to hold her and burried his face in the crook of her neck.
Preeta : Its not your fault... Really. I'm fine.

.......... THANK YOU

Karan : €sit up straight, clean his tears harshly- ask coldly >>>
         Why you went to the store room?
Preeta : (weak tone)Mam took me there to motivate me for the sketches... She left for to get something ig...
Karan :WHO!

Preeta :Shirlin mam
Karan : Sameer, did you hear (looks at him intensly)
Sameer : I get it! 
Preeta : might be acci...

Flashback ***
author pov
On the day of outfit trials, on dining table sameer mention him lauching winter collection. All approved, and also that all designs are off preeta.  It made dinner little more special.

While they all were talking after dinner, sameer could not hold back and not to mention its about Preeta and he confessed shirlin is giving a hard time to preeta. Karan is just raged even broke a glass on table while imagining preeta crying and he is not even with her at that time.

She ruining her designs by herself is screaming evidence for his heart to understand how hurt was she. He remember him ruining her design by colouring blue instead of sky blue wrongly while helping preeta with her project back in days. She literally made him stand holding his ears till she finish her work.

Afterwards, he realised that shilin is jealous of preeta because of HIM. Preeta is been target of her beacuse of HIM and it broke HIM even more.
Karan: Its all because of ME😞

And Rakhi made him understand that - Not to give up or come up with any wrong ideas about your relationship. You just have to protect her for yourself. Don't let anyone else be a reason to spoil your life , at the very worst You spoil it by your own because its Your life.

And he told his mom, that he will protect her and this situation made him to think of one sole solution is to take shirlin off their life first.

Author note : He want to do something but most of things happen already😲

Present* (Karan pov)
Karan : You just SLEEP now!
Mahesh : Karan... Don't shout at her, you too get some rest. I will make some arrangements.

Karan : 😊...Dad, I'm fine. You can go back home and take rest. I don't want to go anywhere...... Not rn! Plz...

Mahesh : Ok! Take care, let preeta rest here properly and we all will go! I will inform your mom and come ok.

(Careseek preeta head and smile )- Take care, rest well😊
Preeta : Nod...nod

Next morning....
Preeta woke up, saw Sameer sleeping on the couch and Karan beside her. She smiled and also feels guilty that she made them worried. She got up and move while limping to cover karan with the blanket and found sameers phone on table and called sarla  and rakhi to inform that she is doing good. She look back to karan and smiled as she find the blanket is off within minute and she was moving towards him and forgot that her foot is still hurt and it made her hiss in pain and karan is now wide awoke by sound.

Karan :You...
Preeta : innocent smile...
Karan : (without saying anything he just carried her in bridle  style) ..................... and Speaks louder
     Sameer, I'm going to doctors cabin.
Sameer : (Wide shocked eyes😨)Hmm...
(Don't have any idea what he heard nod..nod...nod.... Close his eyes again)
Preeta : I'm sorry
Karan : .......(no response).....

At doctor cabin
Karan :Doctor, is she ok. Can she join her karate classes now. (Glare at preeta,
in return she just pouts and blinks her eyes twice)

Doctor : 😃😃😃 Cute
Karan :  (???? Frown face and again glare at preeta. )
     You sit straight, don't make faces...
Doctor : She needs atleast week rest and she will be fine. she is getting anaemic make her eat on time. What was the last meal you had Ms.preeta.
Preeta : Hunh...

Karan : Become so surprised to hear she is skipping meals and he had no idea and angry on himself.
Doctor : Here,( gave prescription)
Karan : Thank you doctor
Picks preeta and leave the room straight to luthra house.

Author pov
He didn't even inform sameer about this. Poor sameer yesterday made Mahesh to take his car back to home and he will come with preeran, now left alone😆 and comes back  home by taxi after finding preeta is already discharged.
And about shirlin. She is been fired from her job. And this gave a glimpse of preeran relationship to public.

Thanks for reading

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