Chapter 11 Magic

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Amy's POV:

"Amy are you OK!".

"I'm fine Henry don't worry".

"Are you sure?".

"Yes I'm fine Henry. I am going to my tent now see you later".

Amy walks back to her tent and rolls up her sleeve to see that it is bleeding really bad Amy shouts for Peter and he comes running in.

"Amy what's wrong I heard you yelling !".

"That stupid wolf attacked me and I got cut on something!".

"Amy Listen to me you need to calm down OK? I can heal it".

"You can how?".

"I can use my magic. Now stay still".

Peter heals Amy's cut with magic.

"How do you know how to use magic Peter?".

"I just do. It's just in my blood I guess. Why do you ask?".

"Will it's because I have magic but I don't know how to use it . Can you teach me?".

"Of course I can teach you. When do you want to start?".

"How does tomorrow sound?".

"That's perfect I will come and get you at 7:00 O'clock".

"OK bye Peter".

"Bye Amy see you later".

Felix's POV:

"Boys get over here now!".

"What do you want Felix?".

"I want you to take this wolf back to its cave. Don't worry it won't hurt anyone anymore because Pan put a spell on the cave".

"OK we'll take it back to the cave come on boys let's go".

The wolf runs after the two boys and goes back to the cave.

Rumple's POV:

Rumple is by the fire trying to tell the time but then Pan comes out from behind a tree and says: "You can't tell time in a place where time stands still".

"What are you doing here!?" Rumple says darkly.

"Oh I made your favorite breakfast. Eggs in a basket, right?".

"Why are you really here Pan?".

"Fine if you won't eat then I will. Oh yes, and I am here just to point out the bad things you have done in life".

"What do you know about my life!".

"You're wrong about that Rumple. I know everything about you, like when you left your son so you could stay and have magic but really you didn't even care about your son your whole life".

"You don't know anything Pan so shut your damn mouth!".

" Oh I get it now Rumple. Did you ever forgive your father for abandoning you".

Rumple does not say anything. He just stands there and looks at Pan.

"See Rumple, you don't even get my point".

"Yes I get your point now get out out of here!".

"Fine see you around Rumple oh and just to let you know I have people that know what everyone is up to on Never land. Bye bye for now".

Hook's POV:

"We should make a plan before we try to find his camp".

"We don't have time for that Hook! My son is not going to last much longer with Pan we have to go and save him now!".

"He has a point. If we just go running in there the lost boys could be waiting for us" says Emma.

"The lost boys don't scare me. I will just use magic on them and make them fall asleep so I don't see what the big deal is".

"Do you wanna know something Evil Queen? Pan does not like it when we mess around with his game. He will just make it even more difficult for us to find your son". "And why should I listen to you?".

"Because if you don't you will end up getting killed. Oh and believe me I know! I have been on this Island longer then you" says Hook.

"That is true" says Emma.

"All right fine lets make a plan then!"

Hook and the others sit down and make a plan on how to get Henry back. But that night Pan comes over to Emma and says: "I hear you are looking for Henry".

Emma turns around and brings out her sword, pins Pan to to a tree and says: Who are you?".

"Oh did I forget to introduce myself? How rude of me! I am Peter Pan".

"Where is my son" Emma asks angrily.

"He is a very special boy Emma".

"I know but that doesn't answer my question. What do you want with him?".

"You've got fire. I like fire!".

Emma pushes the sword harder against Pan's neck and says: "I am done playing your games Pan!".

"How about if I give you a map to help you find your son Emma?".

"What trick are you playing?".

"Oh it's not a trick" Pan hands Emma a map.

"So you are just giving me this and there are no rules?".

"Now, Emma I didn't say that! I if I give you this map, you can't use magic to find your son if you do use magic, there will be hell to pay!".

"Fine I won't use magic to find my son! Now give me the damn map!".

"Here you go but just remember I am always watching you".

"Whatever!" says Emma.

Amy's POV: the next morning.

Amy gets ready and goes to meet Peter for magic lessons, but when she gets there she doesn't see him anywhere.

"Peter where are you? Come on out!".

"I'm right here Amy. Now are you ready to learn magic?".

"Yes I am!".

"Good then let's begin!".

Hoped you liked chapter 11 of The Lost Girl.

I am so sorry it toke me so long to update i have been very busy




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