Chapter 12 Learning Magic

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Peter's POV:"OK Amy the first thing you are going to do is learn how to make a fire and learn how to control water"."OK so what do I do?"."I can't tell you what to do you have to figure it out all on your own"."But Peter you said you would teach me how to use my magic!"."I said I will help you but you have to try and do it on your own"."OK then help me?"."You have to imagine you're lighting a fire and when you do, you will have this weird feeling".Amy does what Peter tells her to do and when she opens her eyes she sees that the fire is lighting up the forest floor."Oh my God Peter look I did it!"."Good job Amy. The next thing I want you to do is put out the fire, can you can do that?"."Yes I can!". Skip to evening time."Oh my Amy, you mastered your powers in one day! No one his ever done that before!"."Well I am a fast learner" says Amy."I guess you are. Come on let's go back to camp". Henry's POV:"Do you know where Amy is?"."Maybe I do maybe I don't. What's it to ya kid!"."Nothing I just need to talk to her about something!!!"."Here is the thing maybe she doesn't want to talk to you" says Felix."Don't you dare tell me that!!!"."How dare you say that to me you little brat! You will do as I say or else!"."Or else what!"."That's it! I've had it with you, now get out of my sight before I do something I really don't want to"."Fine" Henry says angrily.Peter and Amy walk in to see Henry is in a bad mood. Amy goes to ask him what's wrong."Nothing's wrong so piss off Amy!"."I know something's wrong please tell me!"."No I will not tell you what's wrong so buzz off!"."Fine be a little brat for all I care but just to let you know your family just started a deadly game with me so game on".Henry turns around really angry and slaps Amy hard enough to draw blood."Why don't you just shut your mouth! You sound just like Pan!!!".Amy looks shocked and says: "Well maybe being evil is better than not being loved by my birth mother!!!"."She does love you Amy, Pan is putting lies into your head!!!"."No he's not Henry so just shut up and do your job!"."You know what Amy when will you learn that Pan does not care for you!"."Whatever!" says Amy.Henry walks away very angry and goes to sit under a tree.Emma's POV:She is looking at a map to see that there is nothing on it so she starts to say things and then something happens."Oh my God! Everyone look at this!!"."What is it Emma!"."It's a map to Pan's camp. It worked! All we have to do is find it without magic"."Oh hell no I am using magic Emma!"."No you're not, do you hear me? If you do there will be hell to pay!"."You know what? Screw that! I am using magic and I don't care about Pan's rules anymore. Its time he plays my game now!!!".Emma looks at Regina shocked and says: "Wow you and your daughter both have that bad attitude"."Well thanks for pointing that out but I already know that so SHHH!"."Regina where are you going?"!"To find my daughter and bring her back so go on and find Henry I will be there later"."How will you get there if you don't have a map"."I have my ways. now go and don't worry about me!".Amy's POV:Amy is just sitting down on a log but when she hears foot steps coming her way. She looks over her shoulder and she sees that it's her mother."What are you doing here"!"I came to take you back Amy. Pan is not good enough for you"."Really? He's not good enough for me, well for starters at least he didn't leave me all alone half my life""I did that to save you don't you get it!!"."No I don't get it. But I am going to love to kick your ass with magic!"."How do you have magic you weren't supposed to learn magic. It always comes with a price"."Pft I know that Silly! That's why I got Peter to teach me!"."You got Pan to teach you. Amy do you know how dangerous that is!"."How is that dangerous huh!"."Because magic always comes with a price!"."I already know that. Now let's play a game what do you say Mom?"."Amy do you really want to start a war with your own mother?".Amy gets mad and throws a fire ball at her mother but Regina dodges it."Amy do you really want to start a war with your own mother"."Maybe I do maybe I don't so leave!".Regina walks away from her daughter with out saying another word."Just Remember Mom I always get what I want"!.Emma's POV:"Emma are you sure this is the right why?"."Yes it is, look at the bloody map. It says to walk up and take a left but there is no left turn"."Emma let me see the map?"."Why?" says Emma "Because I know how to read them very well".Emma hands the map to Hook and says: "Good luck you will need it".Hook looks at the map really close and says: "Emma the map he gave you was fake I mean just look at it!!".Emma looks at the map really closely to see that none of the stuff on the map is right. It's just going around in circles."Grrr I can't believe it. He tricked me and he told me he didn't!!!"."Well Emma that's Pan for you. He loves to play games and mess with people's heads so there's nothing we can do at the moment".'Fine you know what? I will just go back to our camp and sleep off this anger that I have in me before I hurt anyone. See you guys later!!!"."Oh my David, she is really mad what are we going to do?"."We can't do anything we just have to let her cool down on her own. Now let's go back to camp it's time to get some shut eye".Hope you liked Chapter 12 of The Lost Girl.Vote!Comment!Thanks!

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