Only just the beginning

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Ethan tried heaps to get the cage off, but it was clear it was locked on tight and he needed to get the key back from Sara or he'll probably end up cutting his balls off just to be freed he hated it that much. Though after exhausting himself enough that he was panting, he heard the front door open and quickly jumped and threw his pants and underwear back on and went to open his door,, but it swung open just as he reached for it and his sister popped in "oh and, try to tell anyone, and I'll show everyone that pathetic video of your new clit and throw the key away" she said in a serious tone before shifting his door and walking away. Now knowing he would be stuck in it for a while since he didn't want anyone too see that video, especially since he was bullied enough as it is.

After some double checking that everyone had everything, the car was packed full of their luggage and they started the drive. At first Ethan was still giving his sister a look of hate, especially when she pulled the key out of her pocket and dangled it in front of. Ethan tried grabbing it, but she quickly pulled it back and dropped it into bra, giving a grin as Ethan whined, still fidgeting in his seat from the constant tight feeling on his shaft. Though eventually he fell asleep due to the long car ride, completely forgetting about the chastity cage.

After a long 5 hour sleep, they finally arrived at the resort and Ethan's eyes slowly opened up, looking around, it was about 6pm now so the beach was almost empty and the street lights had turned on by now too. After a few more minutes of driving, they pulled into a nice looking house that was only a short walk to the beach and had a decent view of it too. Everyone got out, grabbed their stuff and went inside. As they entered, it was cold and dark, till dad turned on the lights and pointed down the hall "you two down the hall, you are sharing the room, me and your mom are in the master room" he said with a groggy voice, being the one who had drove all the way. "What? That's not fair, I want a room to myself!" Ethan complained as Sara growled "shut up idiot, hiya be happy we are here" she said with an evil smile "Ethan, listen to Sara, I'm too tired to deal with your complaints right now, eat something and do what you want, I'm going to bed" dad said with a huff, Ethan's mum following behind "you two be good" she called out.

As Ethan turned to look at Sara, she grinned and giggled "well, won't this be fun, come you bitch" she said walking towards their room. Ethan gulped as his spine shook, feeling his crotch and whimpering again as the idea of the cage came back too him. He soon followed behind and entered the room. As he entered, Sara had already claimed her bed with a smile "sup idiot" she said as he went over and put his bag on his bed "can I please have the key? I'm sorry, I've learnt my lesson, I promise" he begged as he looked over at her. Sara let out a loud laugh as she shook her head "oh god, that's funny, no, no your not getting it back" she said catching her breath back "Heh, from now on, you'll do everything I say, when I say it, got that you pathetic perv?" She demanded as she walked over to him. Ethan blushed and grabbed his arm nervously. "n-no" he whispered. "What? Did you just say no?" Sara said in a clearly unhappy tone. Ethan gulped and fell back onto his bed, which was a mistake since he quickly felt his pants and underwear be ripped off by her with pure anger. Ethan let out a shriek as he tried to cover himself. Though looking up, he quickly saw her phone out once again and start recording me "hey guys, this is my stupid little step-brother, who is also a fucking perv. So to teach him a lesson.." she said reaching down and starting g to move his hands out the way. Though Ethan fought back, making her growl "move your fucking hand or I'll show all of these to everyone in the world" she demanded. Ethan took a few seconds, but soon he gave up and his hands where moved in the air in her grip, the camera getting a great view of him laid out on the bed. "To teach him a lesson, I gave him a little clit" she said before stopping her recording and putting her phone down "Now then, do you wanna listen? Or should I show all my girlfriends this video of you, and maybe you can wait till they all see it in person to take it off?" She asked with a grin, dropping his hands back down to let him cover himself up. "I'll listen, I'm sorry" he whined as he covered himself with his hoodie. "Good, now I'm gonna have a shower, eat something and go to bed, if you move out of this bed or even make noise, you'll regret it" she said throwing his pants and underwear to the other side of the room. Ethan gulped and nodded, quickly hiding under the sheets.

My keyholding step-sister (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now