~_/\_~ 0. Prolouge ~_/\_~

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People all over the world believe that wings are something to be cherished, to be worshiped and protected. There are legends old as time which speak of the chosen ones, ones blessed by gods, ones that have precious wing and powers that no one could imagine. There are myths of those even more gifted. Those who are foretold to be lost children of gods. Golden wings, wings so precious mortals could only dream of what they look like. Never being able to see them, touch them nor hold their feathers.

There have been sightings of avians all around the world but not a single golden one has ever been seen nor captured as cruel as it sound. Yet there are still legends that speak of precious children, innocent little eyes with gold halos and wing that seem to be made from the ore itself. Golden blood flowing through their veins. The beauty those majestic creatures hold yet none have been found nor was found the origin of the myths so it makes sense that people believed it to be only a stray thought. Maybe Someone mistook the colour, of those times accident, avian's wings.

Of course people are still trying to find any evidence that the golden avians are real but it's easier said than done. Even all the worshipping won't change their nature. They are wary of humans and for good reasons. Who would want to get hunted any time they show their majestic wings. They are either threatened that their precious wings will get cut of to be sold or put up as a symbol of beauty or get imprisoned.

Their intriguing powers make mortals even more interested or scared, depends whose side you take. As far as people know, their powers are mostly around life. Anything that breaths, that feels, that has mind of it's own. Truly magical and beautiful sight. We could rant about their powers for hours how their wings sparkle when they use them, how their eyes take upon golden hue, how they can fly high above the clouds, about how their own fledglings have adorable tiny shiny wings but we need to focus on our main character, the myth that only children believed in.

His wings shine in the daylight, looking as magical as they are, the sun reflecting it's rays onto each and every single feather. His wings hold the power of gods themselves. Theseus is one of the only avians whose wings were blessed by gods, golden feathers and blood, the powers which he holds is above any other and yet he is still a small fledgling, one that doesn't understand it's importance, one that should be in a nest so what is he doing here all alone, without any protected or caretaker or any flock!? If someone would find him he would never see the rays of the sun again, he'll never experience the warmth the sun has to offer.

Avians are the wheelders of wings that cut thru air like butter and yet here he is on the ground with his wing hidden cooking along side with his college for the royals. The routine in witch participates everyday as long as he can remember. He is not something special for them nor are they something special for him, he's just a simple cook, a cook that is very much unaware of the danger that is lingering behind the walls, unaware of the war that is brewing the war that will end before it even starts, the war that will change his life. This is a story about Theseus and his golden wings which were blessed by gods.

~~~608 words of the raw story

Wings blessed by godsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon