~ 1. Mine from the start ~

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The sun was hidden behind the horizont and yet the village was already filled with life. People of all kinds readying their shops for the day. Tommy would love to sleep in but the teen has responsibilities that need to be fulfilled and Tommy ain't gonna be a bitch about that but waking up at 5 in the fucking morning is gonna be the end of him one day. Tommy groaned as he got out of his bed. It wasn't that bad, the king takes decent care about his staff. A normal sized orange coloured bed with not so soft nor too hard mattress. The wooden part of the bed was carved with the kingdom's crest. The Sun and some flames that portraying the crest from one side, the other had some stars and the Moon, both sides together describe the diversity in the history of this kingdom.

The legend says Starcast was originally occupied by angels that were born from the sun's rays. As you may have guessed then yes, this is where the story about golden avians comes from. Over time the angels came together with the creatures of the end. Angels having a golden heart and the need to help others, decided to let the creatures join their kingdom since they fled from their realm because of something or someone they call ∴ᔑ ℸ ̣ ᓵ ⍑ᒷ∷ᓭ. Nobody really knows the reason and what happened in the End back there or if it even really happened, but at the same time nobody really took the time to look closely into it since everybody thought it was only a legend and now it's too late anyway, at least that's what everyone thinks so, so people just gave up, more important objectives in their heads.

Tommy never really gave two shits about the legends but there was one thing he knew for sure and that is: golden avians are very real. If not what else was he suppose to be? A golden chicken ?! He wasn't about to act as if he was the smartest teen on the planet but he wasn't dumb. His wing were verry rare and many people would do anything they could to get to them or more likely to said, get him. Overall Starcast had the highest percentage of avians and enderman hybrids in the entire world. Unfortunately the number of hunters in this kingdom was also very high no matter the enforcements the king tried to make. This came with the cost of long time training on his own. Perfecting the art of self defence to make sure he could stand his own and protect what's precious to him.

Tommy shuffled around the room trying to find his corset, the one specially customised to hide and or keep his wings in one place and out of the public prying eyes. The corset was very pretty. The base of it was white with a golden rim which spread into spirals along the border.

A groan was heard thorough the room and very loud "Where the fuck is it." Frustration very audible in his voice and that clearly showed that this wasn't the first time this has happened. At this point all the blankets were on the ground and he was still incapable of finding the damn thing. That's when he saw it. On the bloody chair was his corset ".....are ya shitting me..." He swore he could feel his eye twitch. Tommy threw it on, looked at the clock, and look at that time! He was fashionably late.

The boy threw the corset on as fast as he could which took a while since corsets were a bitch to put on. The white long shirt in which Tommy slept in was trapped under the corset. All of this was hidden under even baggier and bigger white shirt with his orange apron over it. As for the lower half of his body he had brownish trousers and black combat boots. The outfit doesn't look as bad as it sound.If someone was about to tell you that Tommy almost fell on his face when he forgot to tie his shoes they'r lying. End of discussion.

Tommy sprinted out of his room aiming towards the kitchen. As he exited the wing of the palace for employees he met the evening group of guards. 'Poor guys having to stay all night long on their feet walking around empty and dark corridors of the castle. It definitely has to get creepy.' Sprinting through the halls and not turning the corner into somebody was the hardest. Tommy gradually slowed down when he saw one of the other cooks in front of him. He may not be as late as he thought.

Wings blessed by godsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora