Chapter 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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I hate the call siren, I always hated it.

H637 please report to the trial grounds, H637, report to the trial grounds


File No. 1,039

Subject: (H)unter No. 637

Aka: Wolfed Sheep

Wolfed sheep, previously known as (P)revailist Ferdinan Mincel

Discovered to have Hunter-like tendencies


She's watching me, I feel her looking at me.  Her eyes are burning through mine.  I'm not allowed to slip up this time, not this time.


Wolfed Sheep would tend to put prevailists in danger:
Case 1: he [Wolfed Sheep]  was caught dragging another prevailist to Hunter 009 [Specimen: Death Flower] to be devoured.

Case 2: Terminated prevailist in fit of rage, cause unknown

Case 3: [REDACTED]



Warmth, I feel warmth on my hand, someone touching my mask.  I look down, and see around me.


She's gasping, gulping for her next breath.


Her hand claws at my mask, as if removing the mask would give her the answers she's looking for. Kicking and struggling doesn't help her out either, she can't get away, even if she tries she'll die. I do only what is best, mercy.

I grab a large rock, as I set her against a tree stump. The rock glides in my hands, smooth and graining, definitely has been through plenty of trials. I lift it, grunting as the weight shifts into my palms, lining up the shot.  Okay, One...two...THREE!


Screams, she's still screaming, I grab the rock again, I don't even line I just throw


The screaming stops, her arms drop, going limp.  Silence rings louder in my head. I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready! Oh god what have I done? Looking at her was the worst part, her face was a deflated balloon against the tree, with dirt and grime already infesting the wounds, a crow gently landing near her, cawing as to remind me why I am here.


H637 disadvantages against others [Hunters] with feelings of guilt reminiscing on actions leading to killing point. Needing further desenation

"C'mon 637, you need to do this, or else we will send you back to Facility Prevalists, do you understand, you wanted this, you demanded transfer."

"I.. I can't do it, my best friend, I can't hurt P221, I care too much for him"


"There, now 637 can't care for the fucker if it's dead, take him to his chamber now!"


The rest were easier to deal with, they didn't hide, they took death with open arms... what has the Prevailist Facility done to them?  They have feeble bodies, sockets sunken in.
"Come on Fern! We gotta get the sheep or else mom will be mad!"


"Ferny, I found them by the river!"


"Quick, they've fallen in, they're nearing the fall!"


"Fern! HELP! Don't let me fall!"


My stomach fell to my feet, I wanted kick it, I could to kick it.  It sickens me, this game sickens me, all of it, not a sense of freedom, just a sense of pain, a sick and twisted stomach kicking feeling of pain. I hate it, all of it, I loathe it.

It's all her fault

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