Chapter 3: Sheep

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Heat. I woke up a sweaty mess, my head pounding, unable to even stand straight.

"God. What was that? That nightmare!"

Fern, who's Fern? God my head is pounding.

Waterfall, what's with a waterfall? Who was that person? And why sheep? Too many questions to be asking and answering at this hour.

The clock chimes on the wall. The red lights blinking to the next minute and the next. Time ticking, ticking away. The sound of the facility slowly setting grows loud deep in my ear. I can hear the creak of metal begging to give in just staying up by the durability of its framing support.

"Let's try to get to sleep. There's got to be something to do."


Let's count them.



A shriek of terror fills the space.

Stay focused.


Five Sheep...

Five sheep, wool stained and splattered red, flies and gnats float around them, their gentle but pain filled bellows echo in my ears. Growing louder as they continue. The gentle sound turns rugged, bellowing out of them as if being ripped apart by some cruel creature. Bellowing and bellowing it won't stop. My ears are ringing, this pain and agony. When will it end?

I lash out, screaming at the sheep. Screaming at the air at something that isn't there. Slashing at creatures of pain that don't exist.

Silence... sweet, sweet silence. The only noise that remains is the heaving breathing I produce and my racing heart, beating deep into my head.

"What is he doing?"

"We Don't know Ma'am"

"He's just standing there, staring at us. God he's creepy as hell. Look away you creepy fuck"

I see the blinking red light in my room. They're watching me. I see the camera, if they're gonna stare at me, I'll stare right back at the bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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