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Chapter 1

1 Awakening ...

She felt like she had a long dream.

In the dream, she was frail, and the severe congenital heart disease brought out from her mother's womb was destined to her life to be unable to have the joys, sorrows and emotions of a normal person. Slightly violent mood swings could have killed her.

She was strictly banned from outdoor activities since she was a child, and all her initiation and basic education was done at home. Her parents and relatives were very indifferent to her, never showing an extra expression or saying a word in front of her. In the long run, she also learned to enjoy the dull days without crying and laughter.

She remembered her highest record of not saying a word for three straight months and almost suffering from aphasia again.

Her body is made of paper, and her heart hurts badly if she walks a few more steps. She can smell the disinfectant water in the hospital ward most of her life.

In this way, she survived to the age of twenty.

On her twentieth birthday, her mother brought her a bowl of egg noodles, which she ate deliciously.

But suddenly, without warning, his heart throbbed violently, his eyes darkened, and the noodle bowl in his hand rolled to the ground.

She still remembered the hoarse cries of her mother, who had always been cold-faced, at the last moment before she lost consciousness.


she felt her fingers move, then opened her eyes and woke up.

It was pitch black in front of her, and there seemed to be a few people standing beside her, shadowy and motionless in the darkness.

She raised her elbows and wanted to sit up, but she seemed to hit something on the top of her head. She stretched out her hands and feet, and every movement could hit that layer of things.

It was like... she was sealed in a glass case.

What's the situation?

She frowned slightly, stretched out her palms and pressed it against the layer of "glass" on top of her head. Suddenly, the entire "cover" vibrated slightly, and the layer of "glass" cracked from the middle and quickly moved to the sides. back off.

As soon as the "hood" disappeared, a stench of corruption hit her nostrils immediately, causing her to cough.

The coughing sound was very light, but it seemed to be a stone thrown into the calm pool. In an instant, something was awakened.



As soon as these two words crossed my mind, her body seemed to have self-consciousness, and she jumped up agilely, and her feet quickly squatted down as soon as she landed. A stench of wind blew across her head. There was a crackling sound, as if something in the darkness had hit something.

But...when...the body that collapsed when the wind blew became like this -

yet she didn't have time to think about it, and she didn't even have time to think about why she could move freely in an environment with no light, because the howling around her became more and more Duo, staggering footsteps hurriedly approached her.

"Ow--" A howl sounded, close to her ear, she didn't want to raise her hand and swiped it, only to hear a sour bone shattering sound, and there was a puff puff sound, She felt as if her hand was stuck in a sticky, slippery mess.

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