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"Bzzz... bzzzz..." My handheld fan droned on, its sound quickly lost in those of the beach — kids' excited laughter and splashing, the loud laughing of teens, the clink of champagne glasses as adults sat in the shade of a beach umbrella, at least 10 metres from the shoreline. I sighed as the battery of my fan ran out, blowing some hair out of my eyes. A few stuck to my neck, sticky from the Mid-June Stellholm sun.

Then, I saw it. A teenage boy, who looked about my age, went completely submerged, flailing his arms as he went. The people around him either didn't notice or paid him no mind.

I jumped down from my lifeguard post, running to the water in just my faded turquoise one-piece, and dove in, swimming to where I had seen the boy's head go under. I opened my eyes, the briny saltwater stinging them, but kept them peeled for any sign of human motion. I saw the silhouette of a hand and shot forward, blindly grabbing for it. As soon as I felt a grip on my arm, I swam upwards with strong, definite kicks.

As soon as I reached the surface, I gasped loudly, still tugging the figure along behind me. Reaching a standing depth, I turned around and placed my hands on the boy's shoulders, prepared to bring him out and possibly administer CPR if needed. But instead of a faint face, I was met with a laughing one.

"Excuse me?" I was beyond confused. Is this the same boy that I saw drowning? I immediately pushed him aside since he seemed well, and glanced around desperately to see if there were any ripples or bubbles indicating a drowning person.

Then, the boy spun me around, still shaking in silent amusement. "Don't worry. I was the one drowning." He cocked an eyebrow at 'drowning', causing me to mirror the action.

"But you didn't look like someone who had just been drowning when I pulled you out..." I paused and my gaze shot up to a smirking face as it hit me. "You pranked me!?"

To that, the brunette burst out into a violent fit of laughter, using my shoulders for support. "No shit, Sherlock." he choked out between laughs, voice blanketed with a thick American accent.

I gritted my teeth and glared at him, slapping his hands off my body. "I don't see how that was funny." With that, I spun around, making sure to hit his arrogant face with my wet hair on the way, and stalked off onto the dry sand.

As I was climbing up the lifeguard post again, my wet foot slipped against a metal rung. I shut my eyes to prevent sand from going in, and to prepare myself for slight impact, but it never came. Instead, I fell into a pair of firm arms.

Opening my eyes to see the boy from earlier, I looked away and grouchily muttered a 'thank you'. He beamed, "Pleasure's mine, sunshine!" I cringed at the nickname, leaping out of his arms and onto the warm sand, ignoring his chuckles,

Just as I was about to tell him that I had to go back to work, I heard a shout, "Hey Stellholm! My shift, you go on with your new friend!" My face rose into a grin as I turned to the source of the familiar voice.

"Zach!" The blond smiled down at me, ruffling my wet, golden-brown locks. "Hey Amber! Haven't seen you since before the first surge of tourists! How's it goin'?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Oh you know, almost full-time duty, nothing interesting. Thank goodness for a half-day today, though — probably gonna go home and watch some NRDD,"

Zachary glanced over at the nameless boy and teased, "Who's this, your new boyfriend?"

I gagged, "Nah, kids who fake-drown aren't really my type. Besides, I don't even know his name..."

"Ah, okay. That's a relief, I still have a chance. And you, what's your name?"

With a glint in his cerulean eyes, the boy spoke.

"Ambrose. Ambrose Flloyd."


yoz :)

ok feel free to interact with the chapter and blahhh ok bye luv ya

-Kate <3

Published : 13/07/2022, 23:07  SGT

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