Always, Always, See You

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"Hey Bee. I got invited to Jingga Plus Volleyball academy. Well it's still a tryout though."
"Yeah, I felt I should tell you first as you're the manager. The guys can be very surprised about this."
"Well, I am too you know?"
He looked into her eyes and saw confusion all over Bianca's face.

She seemed reluctant.

Let's tell Bianca's view of seeing things.

Bianca always loved statistics. Especially in volleyball, as it been passed on by her family. She accounted all the players points per game, and their impact on other variables related to the game.

She always thought that, if she can't play, she can play the strategy for them.

Over the first two months after Eldric joined, she accounted Eldric's game. And also every other player of course.

But what she never foresaw, is that Eldric is continously improving, even after 8 months. It seems a bit cliché, but Greenshaw was famous for their volleyball team. The practice itself, can be very harsh, and many new players just left in the first week.

She thought, in the first two months that Eldric joined, Eldric was just joining the team only for seeing her. As she was always annoyed by his upbringing. Eldric was saying sweet things, just to get her uncomfortable and being not focused on her statistics.

That's the reason why she was cold.

But after that, Eldric pushed himself thoroughly, fully towards the game.

This makes Bianca seemed a bit interested to watch his development as a volleyball player. And at the present, when all the stats were written, Eldric just went away.

The tryouts were a given. Albeit, Eldric was accepted. Eldric soon told the coach, and the coach informed the team that Eldric would be transferring school next school year. Greenshaw to Jingga is quite long, almost 7 hours by airplane.

Soon after, a goodbye party was being held. His teammates, all family and friends, were all invited. Just, that Bianca wasn't there. Eldric then message to her, asking her where she is.

"Hey Eld."
"Come see me in the gym."

Eldric then went to Greenshaw High, to the gym, and see Bianca below the volleyball net. Just by herself.

"Hey Bee! What's up?"
"Hey. You know, this place was-"
"Yeah yeah! Uhh i'm sorry about that though."
"No, idiot!"
Bianca smiled and said,
"This is the place where you grow as a person."
"Wow. So cool."

"Here, let's play for a little bit. And i'll tell you something."
She passed the ball to him, and they started to play 1v1.

"The first time you were here, you were very annoying you know? I mean, i'm not joining the club just to get to know hot boys you know! Anyway," She continued, "I was always undermining you for your behavior, and now look at you. You're the ace of this team. I was wrong you know? You literally joined this team to improve yourself, and i, and i just"

"I just don't get you!" She threw the ball to him as hard as possible.
"You know, Bee, all the times that i practiced here, i always tried to get to know you. And i'm really sorry if i crossed a line. I truly am."

Bianca laughed. "You know, I will miss seeing you, idiot." And then she left the gym.

About 30 seconds later, she shouted back, "hey! When a girl leaves alone at night, you should accompany her! Idiot!"
"Oh yeah! Of course!"

For the next month, they spend most of the time together. Eldric get to know Bianca better, and surprisingly Bianca is really easy going now. Eldric then asked her to go out.

In which she said yes.

Eldric just doesn't know the best time, that it was literally the day before he departs. He always struggled for it, afraid that she will turn him down, and they can't be friends anymore.

The next day in the airport, Eldric said his farewells to all his teammates. He can't see Bianca anywhere. As he strolls through the airport corridor, he saw a beautiful girl, and that girl shouted, "YOU'RE GOING TO BE THE BEST!"

Eldric stunned, and ran to her. Bianca cried as Eldric left her. They hugged, and Bianca told him, "Don't be an idiot like you used to, okay?"

"Got it. I love you, Bee."
"Just cut it out. Hahahahaa"

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