Chapter 16

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Francisco shouted "Nice one babe, Now make your face look more fierce, put some fire and sensuality in it", Win did as per his director instructions, only last few shots were remaining his nip.ple and P was covered rest was all exposed it was an ad shoot where Win was going bare and all naked, on the sea shore, hardly covering his private parts behind Golden Age jewellery or either behind rocks and under the sand as it was an outdoor shoot for Golden Age jewellery, which he accepted after lot of thinking.

Initially he was about to reject the project, when he find out while reading contract that he has to go bare, he was shocked but then he shurg, as he realized he won't be wearing any clothes for this ad shoot, but why does it should be a matter in industry Win had spent enough years and he know the actual reality behind the shinning glamours life. One should be ready for everything, if Win reject this huge offer somebody else will do it and grab the opportunity. On top Day is paying him in millions even triple time more than the price he charges for an ad. Plus the Prince is so generous that he's also giving him share in the profit that left Win speechless. So for him it's a jackpot to be a part of it. It's a payback for all years of hard work that he was rewarded in his life.

Win always ate healthy, try to take care of his body and skin carefully and religiously. Maintaining healthy lifestyle is not alwsys easy but he make sure to stay in shape and workout so thst he could flaunt it. Then who needs clothes When in few seconds of ad shoot he was supposed to be wearing millions worth of jewellery, from the collection Win heart, which belongs to Golden Age, it's an exclusive limited edition jewellery. Win laugh when Day told him, His collection actually named after him, Win Metawin that's why he want to share the profit with him becsuse Win deserve the world. Win felt touched and felt really good because there's one man who shows him how much he value him, his talent and his feelings. In few days Win and Day friendship deepens. Wherever they had a team meeting regarding the ad Day was shamelessly biased for Win. He started enjoying Day company while his heart accepted the fact that he can also feel loved only if he stop looking at the wrong place. Every single time Bright appears in his mind, he made himself busy. He doesn't wanted to do anything other than focusing on.his work. Win look at the piece of Jewelry. Each one was so beautiful and unique in their own way, the style specifically designed keeping Win style in mind sophisticated and elegant adoring with real stones and jems.

Being a talented actor and excited for the Golden Age project Win easily gave all his best shot in front of the camera, he was confident in every frame, look savage as hell, sensual like goddess venus, seductive expression while flaunting his deliciously yummy milky white smooth gold pleated skin. Win wasn't embarrassed or shy at all, the team Day choose to work was very nice, friendly and quiet professional. They cheered around him. With Win recent leaked out picture of Win and Mew, Day makes sure that there were no phones or outside cameras allowed during the shoot. Infact Day had booked a five star beach resort for his team no outsiders were allowed to peak in to their work, his guards were keeping tight security and close watch. Win almost forgotten about his complicated married life. Being away from Bright all alone into different states was also one of the reason Win felt free and away from outside world where he doesn't have to be on alert and pretend made him feel like himself once again after very long.

Suddenly Francisco shouted "Good Job babe, it's a wrap everyone". Gun immediately walk towards Win, he put on the robe around Win's nak.ed body, to cover his exposed skin, other assistant help him with other stuff and Jewelry. Win was about to walk away to his dressing room When Day called him "Babe come here". Win tie the belt around his waist and smiled widely he walk with Gun where Day was looking at the footage with Francisco. Day muttered looking at the screen "See here... you look so beautiful and hot just like goddess Venus". Win rolled his eyes and grin. They all began to watch the footage Francisco captures on small screen, he was working with Win for the first time, he amusingly said "I can't believe you just nailed this ad shoot in such a short period. You're going to blow people's mind". Then Gun added " And I can't believe that you agreed to go bare!" Win giggles he himself was amused to be this bold and frankly he didn't find any reason to reject such a great offer. He work hard to maintain his beautiful assest its only legal to show them through his work. The jewellery is inspired to him and Day is paying him huge with many other perks. then this ad will help him promote his new upcoming Karan's movie with Mew. So working on this project will only bring him huge success and more better opportunity in future to his career. This is another level of progress in his acting journey.

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