Chapter 18

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Y/n's Pov:
I knew Eddie would freak out a little bit when he see's me or eleven use our powers. "Alright. So Girls. Our Training will be a little more.....Dangerous then the last time we trained together since we have very little time." A man says and looks back at us. He has gray hair and wrinkles. Papa? "What do you mean by that Papa?" I say and look over at Eleven. "Well you'll see." Papa says then smiles at us then looks back at the road. "So- You guys have- powers?-" Eddie says and it's obvious he's trying to make small talk but he's also curious. Eleven looks at him. "Well- I- Um..." She mumbles as she looks at the floor. "We do." I say and look at Eleven. The Van Stops Suddenly and It causes everyone to slide to the end of the seats. I bump into Eddie. "Why Did We Stop?" I ask as Papa gets out and goes around to the back of the van and opens the door. "Were Here." He says then helps Me And Eleven out of the van. Eddie jumps out of the van. He picks me up. "Don't forget your still hurt." Eddie says giving me a smile. I kiss him on the cheek. "I'll be careful don't worry about me. Ok?" I say and hug him. Papa opens a door and we walk down a long staircase into a weird underground lab. He leads us to two rooms. "I'm assuming your both a couple so you can have a room together. Eleven the room to the right is yours. Y/n yours is on the left. Please be ready for testing in five minutes we will have two separate groups. One group of three scientists for each one of you since we will just be strengthening your powers Y/n instead of restoring them like we are with Eleven." He says then I nod. Eleven goes in her room and shuts the door. I go into my room and Eddie follows me and sits down on the bed with me. He hugs me. "I have a bad feeling about this Y/n." Eddie says still hugging me. "I do too." I say and hug him back.

Steve's Pov:
"How the hell did you already lose sight of where the van is?!" Mike complains as Dustin changes the channel on the radio. "Dammit." I said as I looked at the road and saw tire marks. I backed the car up quickly and followed the tire marks in hope that it would be the same car as the one that took Y/n.

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