Chapter Three - The Prince

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It was a calm and beautiful morning in the kingdom, and the sun was beaming down on the palace. The sunshine pierced through the small gap in the long drapes and the suns gaze led straight to the princess, sleeping peacefully in her quarters. There was a knock at Edeline's door and a shout that followed,

"Come on princess! Time to wake up." It was her knight protector, Mason. To this she gave a groan, she knew what this week had in-store for her and wanted to hide any where she couldn't be found. "Look I know you don't want to do this but it's what you have to do." To this she gave another groan, "I know I have to, but why? It's not that important, I could rule on my own." She sat up waiting for a response she knew she wouldn't get. Edeline and Mason had plenty of arguments on the subject before this day and no one ever won. So knowing this she walked over to the door and gave a knock to let Mason know that he could let the maids in.

She sat at her vanity as one of the maids, Ruby, brushed through her long, silky and fiery orange hair. Edeline's beauty was unmatched to any other princess in other villages, her skin was as soft as silk and her eyes where more blue than the sea and the sky combined, she was truly beautiful.

"Ruby, I don't understand why no one listens. I don't want to marry some random prince who I don't know," she says with a sigh following, "I want to marry for love, I want to marry someone who knows who I am, who knows my passions. Not some random man who I know nothing about!" Ruby listened to her rants all of the time, she was the closest to Edeline. She knew everything about her, even the true reason she didn't want to marry a prince. " I understand your highness, I know I would hate to be in you position. However, there is nothing that you can do about the matter. If your father wants something he gets it, and he wants you to meet and hopefully marry this prince."

Edeline knew what she was saying was true. Whatever King Damion wants, he gets and Edeline didn't like that but she knew that she had to obey him otherwise she would see a side to him she had only ever seen in passing, "I just wish things could be different," she claimed getting up from her vanity and putting in her dress, "I wish that people actually listened to me." Edeline felt hopeless, she would never be able to live the life she wanted to live so what did she do? She grinned and bared with everything her father told her to do, this was the one big of freedom she couldn't give to herself.

Once she was finished, Edeline was escorted to the throne room by Mason, "You know, it might not be as bad as you think." He whispered to her, but she rolled her eyes and ignored him. They both stood outside of the throne room, Edeline took a deep breath looked at Mason and nodded, signaling for him to open the doors. The doors flung open and she saw her father with another king and someone who appeared to be his son, "Ah King Stephen, Prince Ivan, meet my wonderful daughter Princess Edeline." Prince Ivan stared at Edeline, and kept his gaze upon her until she looked at him. "Your highness, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said kissing her hand, "Like wise." She replied in an annoyed tone. This caused Damion to shoot daggers at her snarky reply, his eyes clearly saying "DON'T!"

King Damion starting explaining the week he had planned;
Day one: tea in the lounge area of the castle.
Day two: a stroll and lunch in the gardens.
Day three: dinner at the palace.
Day four: a ball
But day five, well. Day five was a mystery to Edeline. He never said a word to her of what was happening, and this the princess didn't like. It made her uneasy one what was going to happen and made her not trust her father even more.

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