Sara's Biggest Regret

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Sara Chidouin was just an ordinary student at her highschool. She had a nice group of friends, pretty good grades, and a generally nice life. That's what I'd say if Joe didn't exist.

Joe had been acting pretty strange over the past couple of weeks. He'd always sit on his phone, ignoring his own girlfriend, Ryoko. He even left his date once to go to the bathroom since there was another animal cracker debate he couldn't miss on (The winner was chocolate animal crackers, obviously). This gave Ryoko some raised eyebrows...was he, perhaps, cheating on her?! Ryoko and Sara were both very confused.

Sara had planned to confront Joe about his odd behavior, but Joe practically confessed it himself once he told Sara,

"Hey... this may sound suspicious, but would you mind joining... uhm, a furry server with me and some other people? I SWEAR it sounds weird but they're all really nice and–"

Before Joe even had a chance to finish his sentence, Sara gave him the most deadpan look she's ever given him.

"Sara?! What's that face for!" Joe exclaimed, "Come on... I know it's really weird but just give it a chance! What's the harm, some troll on the internet that will claim he's in your walls?"

As much as Sara didn't want to admit it, nothing horrible could happen, right? It was a furry discord server. There's probably just going to be a bunch of kids there and Sara would act as some weird sister figure to them because she's 17. It's happened plenty, and it's kind of annoying sometimes, but it's not like anyone will cause drama. Unless you want to count that one time little Jimmy stole Bobby's red Kool-aid.

At last, Sara sighed, "Fine. If anything happens, I'm never trusting you to ensure nothing happens in these servers you give me links to."

Joe chuckled. "That's never gonna happen! All we have in that server are some silly arguments, like what kind of animal crackers are the best. I'm still right, by the way. Vanilla animal crackers are mediocre and you should just admit the chocolate ones are superior."

Sara eventually agreed (to join, not the animal crackers thing, vanilla is superior) knowing if she didn't, Joe would bother her all day about it. So with a hesitant click, she joined the server.


- schidouin2 has joined the server


schidouin2: Oh, hello everyone!

schidouin2: I'm Sara, it's a pleasure to meet you all!

beggsenedict: What a interesting username you have, Ms. Sara. May I ask why there's a 2 in it?

schidouin2: ...

schidouin2: So, uh, I lost the password to the first schidouin...

joeMAMA69: She lost the password after just 10 minutes LOL

schidouin2: Joe, respectfully, can you shut the hell up? :D

joeMAMA69: aw :(

woofandmeowz21: Anywayz, u shoud tell us morr abuot you, big sis Sara, meow!!

schidouin2: Big sis Sara...?

joeMAMA69: just go with it Sara

schidouin2: Oh, okay then

schidouin2: Anyway, I'm Sara (I guess you figured that already...) I like sweets a lot, especially pastes like jam :D

joeMAMA69: You should mention the fact that you tried to sit on a cone 2 years ago

schidouin2: ..That never happened!

joeMAMA69: Yeah ok, whatever you say, Sara!

C0c0nutHead: ...

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