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Hello, my name is Bea Roberts. I am writing this book to share my story as an ex-Jehovah's Witness.  You would find my story unique in the fact that I did not become an atheist after leaving a high control cult. Why? 

Well, you see when you are a part of an organization such as Jehovah's Witnesses you are taught to believe a certain way of living is correct. They isolate you from society. They use terms such as "worldly people" to describe non-Jehovah's Witnesses. I would say Jehovah's Witnesses (I like to use JW for short) use love bombing. They show love while you are interested in becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses. You feel like you are a part of something big and important. It is a privilege to be a part of God's ONLY true religion on planet earth. Once you are baptized and dedicated there is almost virtually no way out being unscathed. When you come to your own senses after the love bombing you might be one of the lucky few to uncover a few dark things about the organization. You start to realize that this is NOT God's organization. All of the "truths" you have been told your whole life are now lies and you have a crisis of not knowing who you truly are. 

A lot of ex JWs become atheist because it is an easier road to go down than searching the Bible or religion for answers. We already came from religion. We are traumatized by our leaders in the organization. So why go down that road again and potentially be hurt and told lies again by people you are supposed to trust? 

I consider myself one of the lucky ones who were able to get out relatively unharmed for the most part. I can never escape my past unfortunately. I still have very close family members who are part of the organization. Every day I risk losing my family in fear they may find out my true beliefs about who Jesus is. It is not that I do not want my family to know about the REAL truth. I wait to see if I can share tidbits of truth with them. I try and plant seeds into their minds in hopes that something will wake them up and do the research! I have lost all of my former "friends" in the organization. They were not true friends like I thought they were. My reputation and my name have been slandered in the JW organization. They have said I am a drug addict, money hungry and an immoral person. Sadly only 33.3% of that statement is true. 

However, I am alright with that. I have created a new life. A life where God is in the center of my life. One where I am free from the judgement of other people. God has truly blessed me and given me an amazing husband to help me on this journey of self-healing from the trauma of a vicious cult. I can honestly say that I am at peace for the first time in my life. 

But how did I get here? Let me tell you the story of how I was saved.

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