The First Tribr- Wait, The Second Tribrid

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After Freya woke up, she knew they went into her head, and she ran from the school.

Hope had to become the tribrid, and she turned her humanity off.

"I'm an apex predator, nobody hunts me." She threw a dart at the target.
"Next time, I won't miss. So why don't you go ahead and tell me where your little friends are before I kill you." Hope showed her hybrid face.

"Okay. They are-" before he could finish, he lit on fire.
"AHHHH AHHH!" He screamed.

"Well that was a waste of time." She telekinetically lifted his body and dragged it outside.

Hope needed something so she went back to the school.
"I need a favor." Hope opened the door then slammed it shut.

"You put me in a coma and killed my daughter, you think I'm going to help you? If I could, I'd kill you for turning her." Alaric shouted as he limped to his office chair.

"Yeah? Well you can't kill me so you better help me before I start killing all your weak and vulnerable students." Hope smiled.

"Your sick." Alaric replied.

"I need you to help me track down the  werewolf, witch and vampire that created Malivore." Hope sighed.

"And you can't find them yourself?" Alaric replied.
"No I can't because my locator spells won't work." Hope told him.

"What about Freya? Didn't she go with you?" Alaric questioned.
"She's dead, atleast that's what everyone is saying come on catch up." Hope rolled her eyes.

Cleo dropped her blood on the map.
"Its a unique spell, I have never heard of it before. What does it do?" Cleo questioned.

"It can possibly get your powers back." Alaric replied.

"Here goes. Invenies quod pythonissam." Cleo repeated multiple times.

Cleo got a vision.

"Set a meeting with the rest of the group, we have to make a plan to kill the tribrid." Cleo opened her eyes and hope was gone.

"Did you not here me? I said go set a meeting to kill the tribrid." She angrily told.

"Yeah that's not going to work." Hope replied.
The witches wrinkles started coming back.
"Incendia!" She tried screaming.
"I have a black magic candle, your spells won't work." Hope smiled.

"What is this treachery? A tribrid shall not exist in this world."

"Well it does," Hope pulled out her knife.
"So why don't you go ahead and start telling me where the werewolf and the vampires are?" Her tribrid eyes came.

"I can't." She responded shaking.
"This mark, it will kill me if any shown signs of betrayal."

"I'll kill you first then." Hope smiled.
"WAIT! There at-" Before she lit on fire.
"Well that was a bust." She kicked her body into the water.

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