The Hellfire Club: Part One

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*Y/n Munson's POV*

"Eddie I swear to fucking god don't bring that to school!" I yelled at my brother. He always carries around... I don't know how to put it in a less- he carries around drugs 24/7! I don't know he thinks he can sell them or something. Wouldn't be surprised if he does. He hangs out with all types of freaks.

Okay... I admit that's not a nice way to phrase it because, I'm a freak. I have no friends. I don't do friends. It's nice though. No drama. Well except for that dick, Jason. I mean why is he even bullying me? I'm roughly 3 to 4 years younger than him! Me and Brother made it to school and he 

"Hey freak!" Jason yelled after "accidently" bumping into me. "What the hell dude?!" I yelled. "What? It was an accident..." he smirked. "Hey Jason you shouldn't really-" Chrissy began but was cut off by her boyfriend. "Chrissy babe it's fine! Look, we gotta get ready for the assembly... let's hope your freakish brother doesn't mess everything up." Jason scowled. "He's skipping it, but I'll be there. Watch your back." I said, obviously trying to intimate him even though I'll just be standing there, clapping my hands when everyone else does. Why would I try to be as equally as a dumbass as he is?

"The only people watching their back's should be you and your brother's stupid club Munson. You guys are freaks and annoying as hell." he told you. "Well then maybe you should ignore us then. And I'm not even part of his club." I said. He bumped into me again walking with his cronies to the gym room.

"He's not normally like this... I think it's just game nerves. I'll talk to him. I'm sorry." Chrissy whispered in my ear. She was an angel honestly. Deserves much better than that dick.

Jason rambled on for what seemed like hours about how we should be honoring the ones who left us that night. The night of the mall fire. It was a really touching story... but it was easy to tell he didn't mean it at all. Honestly, anyone else in that room could've told that story and it would actually mean something.

I stood next to two boys from Eddie's D&D club. They were talking about how someone named El saved the world twice. Probably some campaign they were working on with Eddie. Actually, I listened more.

"It's not my fault Suzie is a Mormon!" boy one said.

"Dude she just broke up with me like that! Why?" boy two said.

"It's really long distance relationship dude, and the only way you guys could communicate was over Cerebro and I'm sure it got difficult always just listening for a radio interception." boy one continued.

"Yeah, I guess." boy two said

Jason continued his speech and said tonight they'll win for the first time in years. Everyone cheered.

"Wait that's tonight!?" the one with a hat said. "What!? We gotta get Eddie to change the date!" the other one said. "It's a tournament, you win one, you go to another." the girl with red hair shrugged her shoulders. Woah! She can talk?!

The assembly ended and I turned towards the boys who were still talking. "Uh in case you haven't noticed the thing's over and I would like to leave as soon as possible." I told them. "Ugh fine whatever." the one with black hair said. I took a better look at him. "Hey! You're the kid who made Troy piss himself in 7th grade!?" I said laughing. "Yeah, well it was actually- yeah it was me." the boy said. "You're Eddie's sister!" the boy with curly hair said astonished. "Uh yeah." I replied. "Oh sorry."

He put his hand out. "Dustin Henderson." he smiled. I pushed his hand away and his smile faded. "I don't do friends." I replied walking away from him to my homeroom class.


"Ohhh Y/nnnn!" my brother called my name as I was carrying my lunch tray to sit where I normally sit. Alone. In the corner of the cafeteria. Listening to my walkman. On the floor. Which was fairly clean because I slipped the janitor a few bucks to actually thoroughly clean my spot.

"What?" I replied. "You should hang out with us, you don't even have be in the club." Eddie said. "Why exactly?" I slurred. "I think you should get some friends." he said softly. "Don't tell me what to do Ed." I told him. "C'mon... please? For your dear old brother?" he asked you making a pouty face. "Fine." I replied sitting down next to Dustin because he pointed at the seat next to him. "That's Dustin and Mike, they're in the same grade as you." Eddie informed you.

"Anyway, like I was telling Henderson and Wheeler... find me a sub!" Eddie yelled. "Why can't Y/n be a sub?" Mike asked suddenly.

"Woahhh! Nope. Nope. Nope." I replied. "She probably doesn't even know how to play." Garrett said. "I do you lard-ass!" I yelled. "Then you should sub!" Dustin said. "It's been years and you guys probably have some great campaign set up, I don't remember much..." I said slowly.

"See? She won't play! Find me a sub!" Eddie yelled. "Jesus! Okay! We will after lunch!" Mike replied.

"You should watch the D&D campaign tonight!" Dustin told you. "Why?" I asked. "Well I hope you're not watching that basketball game..." he smiled softly and I blushed looking down. Something was in my stomach. It felt like... butterflies. WHAT. NO WAY. I CAN'T LIKE THIS DUDE.

One love, Two Freaks || Dustin Henderson x Y/n MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now