The Hellfire Club: Part Two

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*Y/n's POV*

"C'mon Y/n... we're gonna be late-" Eddie complained. "Chill out!" I yelled back.

"Where's Uncle Wayne?" I asked walking out of the room me and Eddie share. We live in a trailer, we're not rich. "C'mon sis!" he chuckled putting his arm around me.

"Why are you always so happy?" I mumbled. "What is there not to be happy about Y/n/n (your nickname)?" he asked. His smile faded. "I've got so many freak friends... Chrissy Cunningham remembers me! I have the best sister too." he said giving me a nudge. I smiled slightly. "I missed that." he said. "What?" I asked, cocking my head. "Your smile. It's like... you've disappeared Y/n/n..." Eddie's voice faltered.

"I haven't disappeared Ed, I'm right here." I faked a smile putting my hand in his. "Please make some friends before I leave the school... okay? For me?" he asked. "Oh, yeah, yeah of course." I muttered.


"Absolutely not." Eddie told Mike and Dustin. A girl that looked about 11 stood in front of us.

"You asked for a sub. We delivered." Dustin replied. "This is Hellfire Club. Not Babysitting Club." Eddie retorted.

"I'm 11 you long-haired freak." the girl spat. I snorted. "My, my the child speaks. So what's your name, child?" Eddie laughed.

"Erica Sinclair." she announced proudly. Everyone chuckled at the name except me because I'm not in Hellfire. "This is Sinclair's infamous sister?" Eddie chucked. She rolled her eyes turning around to Mike and Dustin. "He's sharp." she sighed.

"What's your class and level? Level one dwarf?" Eddie mocked her.

"My name is Lady Applejack. And I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level 14. I will sneak behind any monster you throw in my way and stab them in the back with my poison soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death. So we gonna do this or keep chitchatting like this is your mommy's book club?" Erica ranted. I smiled.

Everyone winced at her words but Eddie smiled too. "Welcome to Hellfire." he put his hand out for her to shake.

"Well uh what do I do?" I asked. "You could play? I remember Y/n the Slayer." Eddie smiled. "I'm rusty though and you have a sub already. It would probably mess up the game." I said. "Nah, I think Vecna's okay with you joining the fight." Mike chuckled. Dustin smiled at me and I smiled back.

There it was again... the butterflies.


"The hooded cultists chant, 'Hail Lord Vecna. Hail Lord Vecna.' They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you don't recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated. And something else, he is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!"

Everyone screamed "No! No!" and they explained that Vecna was dead and killed by Kas.

"So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought." Eddie chuckled. "But he lives!"

He placed Vecna in front of himself. He cackled.

"You are scared. You are tired. You are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or stand your ground and fight?" Eddie asked. You looked at Dustin. He was helping you remember how to play.

"Hold on." Dustin said, thinking. "I say we fight." I said. "To the death." he finished for me.

"To the death." Mike nodded. "To the death." Erica also nodded. "To the death! To the death!" we all chanted. Eddie laughed with us. We pounded on the table and we all laughed. "To the death!" Dustin screamed and I smiled. I haven't felt this happy in a while.


We played for a while and everyone was down except Dustin and Erica. "Time out!" someone said. We all huddled up.

"Guys we gotta flee." one said. "Didn't we just agree ' to the death'?" Erica asked.

"That wasn't literal!"

"Don't be pussies! He only had 15 hit points left!" Dustin said.

"Pussies? Cause we're not delusional."

"Delusional?" I asked. "How about not cowards?" Erica added. I gave her a high five.

"Hey! If I may interject gentlemen, Lady Applejack, and Y/n the Slayer. Whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Gareth the Great's concern to heart. There's no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today, 'kay?" Eddie said. (Writing this paragraph almost made me cry, he tried to be a hero and...).

"One sec." Dustin said. "What do you think?" I asked. "How many hit points do you and Applejack have left?" Mike asked Dustin. "Twelve." they said in unison.

"It's risky as hell. But you are the ones on the battlefield. It's your call." Mike said. "What do you say Lady Applejack?" Dustin asked. "You really need to ask?" Erica answered.

"Screw it. Let's kill that son of a bitch." Dustin said breaking the huddle.

Dustin rolled the die. Everyone stared dramatically. It was an 11. "No!" we shouted.

"That's... A... Miss!" Eddie cackled. Erica grabbed the die. She closed her eyes and shook it in her hands. She rolled. Everything was almost in slow motion. Everyone stared. She was the only hope to beating Vecna. I closed my eyes

Eddie stood up straight as I opened up my eyes. It was a 20! Everyone screamed. "Wait? What?!" Eddie smiled at Erica. Erica smiled proudly. I high-fived her and we both laughed.

Everyone was cheering. Eddie put his arm around me. "So maybe after Spring Break you could join?" he whispered noticing my happiness. I nodded, smiling. Everyone was amazing. Maybe friends aren't so bad?

Dustin turned my way and my eyes caught his. He smiled and walked over to me.

"Let's try this again? Friends?" he put his hand out. "Friends." I answered shaking his hand.

"And I'm sure friends love to get ice cream together?" he asked. "Tonight?" I asked. "Yeah, I would invite Mike too... but uh he's gotta be home by 9 because he has an early flight tomorrow... and besides maybe we should just get to uh know... each other?" Dustin stuttered. "Oh yeah sure... lemme just tell Ed where I'm going." I replied smiling, my face tinted red, once again.

One love, Two Freaks || Dustin Henderson x Y/n MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now