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"Hey!" you said trying to get his attention. You stopped and grabbed your knees trying to catch your breath. (big girl gots all this cake so ofc she gonna be out of breath🥱💅💋)
"Hi sorry didn't mean to, startle you, my car broke down and i was wondering, wondering if you could give me a ride back to to the gas station up there?" you said out of breath.
You looked up to see HIM the giant of a man from the gas station.
"what the hell were you following me creep?" you said supicisouly joking.
"Um so could you-" you said before you got cut off by him getting out.
"Thank you!" you said happily. you turned your back to him and walked. You stopped when you heard reving.
"Hm??" you said confused turning around.
"you coming tommy?" you said waiting for a reply while searching in the darkness for him.
*I don't wanna kill, but i have to* Thomas thought.
He started to rev his chainsaw faster and when he got it on he started running at you.
"what the he-!" you said surprised by him running. to you. You began running like the wind. (yea you maybe carrying all this cake but you can run)
You were running and running until he sliced your arm open.
"AAHHH, WHAT THE FUCK!" you said as you tumbled down the hill into the tall grassy field.
You layed there for a while trying to lose him.
                            ~4 mins later~
*Ok y/n get up* you thought.
"AAHH!" you said out loud due to your arm being sliced and diced.
You dropped to the floor in pain.
*Fuck, he's coming* you thought *come on, get UP!*
You got up and started to run faster then you have before......only to get caught in a bear trap (MMWWAAA HAHA im so evil👿)
"WHAT THE FUCK" you screamed in pain.
You heard him coming closer at this point you see no point on running, well, when you can't. You just laided there crying as you heard him come closer.
                              ~Thomas's pov~
*There she is!* he thought happily as he walked closer. *Oh she is in a bear trap* thomas said saddened.
                                  ~Your pov~
*Welp, guess who's gonna die, THIS GUY* you thought chuckling alittle. *Why am i laughing.* you thought.
You sat up alittle to see if he was there and he was, he just, stood there. You aren't really sure why he's just standing there but you are gonna try to crawl away at least or put up a good fight. So you start to crawl away crying softly but hard. You saw him walking so you crawled faster, trying to find a small space he couldn't get to.
You finally found a place to hide, before he picked you up.
"PUT ME DDDOOOWWWNNN!" You screamed on the top of your lungs, while swinging your arms and legs like a crazy man.
"PUT ME DOWN PUT ME DOWN PUT ME DOwn!" You screamed some more until your lungs gave out.
You just gave up he wasn't gonna put you down no matter how hard you scream at him or hit him. So you just slumped down and excepected your fate.
                          ~time skip to the car and driving home because i'm a lazy bitch~
He buckled you up tightly, got in and drove you just sat there crying softly knowing you're gonna die.
~In the car~
He kept staring at you for a little to long. You kept thinking if he was gonna rape you, kill you, sell you.
You started to cry at the thoughts that roamed your head.
*Shes so pretty* he thought in awe. *maybe if i hide her from ma, she won't find out*
~y'all arrived at the house~
He got out and walked over to your side. He picked you up softly and walking over to the barn.
*Stay...here...no leave* thomas said trying to talk as clearly as possible.
You sat there emotionless but scared, not really think much except how to escape. You saw him leave and thought about taking the chance to escape.
*YESS HE LEFT, let's leave* you thought.
You got up with a struggle, waking over to the door you heard him walk back.
*What the fuck i thought he LEFT!?* You thought as you ran back.
You sat down quickly and watched as the door open heavy breathed.
He came close to you almost kissing distant (WINK WINK 😉) you tried to stop breathing hard but couldn't.
"You run?" he said trying to figure out why you where breathing hard.
"N-no i... didn't run" you said quietly.
"Hmm" is al he said before walking over to get chains.
"What no i don't want it!" you said not wanting to be chained.
"Don't care...you try running." He said a little frustrated.
you really didn't wanna fight, know if you did you'd probably hurt yourself even more.
*Fuck it* you thought and ran, ran as fast as you could.
"YESSS" you said happy that you ran away.
You stopped.
"Who tf are you" some man said not amused by the woman infront of him.

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