Chapter 2 // Kyle

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Double checking to make sure I have everything with me that I need, I zip up my backpack and make my way out of my room.

"Mom, we have to go!" I yell to her, making sure I have my ticket with me while going out to her car.

Kyle: I'll text you when I land

Kyle: I don't want you and Bryan waiting for my fat ass

Johnnie: Wait, are you implying that you have an ass?

I chuckle as my mom gets into the car and we start our way to the airport, making my nerves start to escalate.


Kyle: Just touched down... on your dick

Johnnie: ......

Kyle: Just come get me!

I get through the airport before going to wait outside on a bench.

"Has anyone seen Kyle!" I hear someone scream a little while later, making me blush a little once realizing it was Bryan.

I stand up only to have Johnnie and Bryan tackle me in a hug, squeezing the life out of me.

"Don't kill me," I gasp dramatically, making Johnnie pull away and smile at me.

"Let's get going." Johnnie says, turning around and walking towards where the two parked.

"What's up with him?" I question, looking at Bryan while we follow behind Johnnie.

"Who knows; he's been really happy since you said you were coming to visit."

With a small smile on my face and a glint of happiness in my eyes, I watch Johnnie walk ahead of us, happy to just be here.

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