Chapter 6 // Kyle

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It was decided later that day that we'd all be going to DisneyLand with Damon since we didn't want Bryan to feel left out knowing that Johnnie and I would end up ditching him.

"Daydonnnn!" Johnnie screams when Damon comes into view, running towards him only to jump on him. I smiled slightly, a pain growing in my chest.

Bryan and I catch up to the two before making our way into the park.

For the first hour or two we stayed together, meaning every single ride Johnnie and I paired up to ride together. After a while we decided to split since Bryan and Damon had some friends they wanted to meet up there.

"So Johnnie, what shall we ride next?" I questioned, turning to him slightly.

"How about the tea cups." He said, trying to contain his excitement which I thought was extremely adorable since you could tell he just loved that ride.

I grabbed his hand without saying anything and led him to the Mad Tea Party. The grin on my face was very prominent.

We waited in line for a while, the smile on Johnnie's face never going away and his excitement kept intensifying.

"You know, I think we should just go on a different ride." I said, dead serious only resulting in Johnnie to come close to tears.

"But we're so close!" He nearly pleaded with me, trying to change my mind resulting in me smirking.

"Don't cry, we're staying."

"Why would you do that to me?" He pouted, looking down at the ground, not looking at me one bit.

I grabbed his chin to bring his head up so he could look at me, giving him a soft smile.

"Please don't be mad at me." I said softly only wanting to cry as I saw the hurt in his eyes.

Something came over me and all I wanted to do was comfort him but I felt that the only way to do so was to kiss him, so I did. My lips pressed gently against his resulting in Johnnie's body to freeze up.

I quickly pulled away, noticing Johnnie's eyes wide in shock.

We stay silent until we get on the ride which had us both forgetting about the kiss as we made us spin round and round, faster and faster.


It had been about two days since I had kissed Johnnie and things had been, surprisingly, normal. It's kind of like everything was forgotten.

"I'm going out with Damon, I'll see your dicks later!" Bryan screamed as he exited the apartment.

"He's a special one." I say while shaking my head, sitting down on the couch next to Johnnie.

"At least you don't have to live with him," Johnnie groaned in fake anger. "He spends far too long in the bathroom with his right hand."

"Are you sure that's not you?" Chuckling, I look over at him only to see all color drain from his face as he looks at me, our eyes meeting.

Before I knew what was happening, Johnnie was leaning in and connecting our lips. At first it shocked me but I was quick to respond.

Slowly, he brought himself to straddle my lap making my hands go to his waist and his go to the nape of my neck.

I moaned softly into the kiss as I felt Johnnie begin to slowly grind into me, almost making me spark into flames with how good it felt and also how long I've been waiting for any contact like this with him.

Before we knew it, Bryan was bursting into the house making the two of us quickly scrambled to two separate sides of the couch.

"I hope Kyle used a condom!" Bryan hollered as he made his way to the living room resulting in Johnnie and I to let out a nervous laugh.

Throughout the night, the three of us just watched random movies and shit. Johnnie and I kept stealing glances at each other which only made the other blush each time we caught each other.

Bryan yawned, "I'm going to go to bed, I'll see you two love birds in the morning." Chuckling, he got up and left to his bedroom.

"We need to talk," Were the first words to come out of Johnnie's mouth as Bryan's door closed.

"What the hell are we evening doing?" I questioned, looking down at the ground feeling like Johnnie's going to say it was all a mistake and never talk to me again.

"What the hell are we?" He backfired, making me look at him in shock.

"You don't regret it?"

"Not at all," Johnnie said softly as he came and straddled me again, smiling at me with a soft, loving smile.

Johnnie leaned in and kissed my lips softly, only for it to become a lot more heated once I started kissing back. Deciding to show him that I can be the dominant one, I up it up a notch. My tongue makes it's way between his lips, receiving a moan from Johnnie which was probably the hottest shit ever.

I began to become harder as I felt Johnnie's hand make its way to my pants, unbuckling my belt.

"Your room," I pant, making him nod and get off my lap before grabbing my hand and rushing to his bedroom.

Before I knew it, I was pushed down on the bed and Johnnie's hand was down my boxers, stroking my hardening girth, making me release pleasurable moans.

"Fuck Johnnie, faster!" Screaming in a quiet whisper, I make him pick up his pace as his lips connect to mine once again. "You're gonna make me cum!"

Johnnie smirked, quickening his pace making me cum only a minute later. He kisses my lips before taking his hand out of boxers.

"You may want to go change," he chuckles, grinning like a mad man however I was sure I was doing the same.  

"I'll be back," I note before walking out of his room and to where my bag was placed.

I quickly changed before going back to Johnnie's room where we both fell asleep in pure bliss.

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