A Civilized Choice in Uncivilized Times

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She pondered it over for a minute before agreeing to my terms and dismissing me.
"Well, lead the way, Sergeant Grouch." I instructed.
He unclipped his handgun, and rested his right hand atop of it.
"Give me anymore nicknames and I will personally bury you half alive and fully concious." He warned.
"Okay, sorry!" I said, backing off, "Geez, this guy has no sense of humor..."
"What was that?" He asked giving me an evil eye.
"Nothing! Nothing at all..." I murmured.
I decided it wasn't time for jokes so I willed myself to stay silent.
After what felt like an eternity, I began to make out the shape of a door. It was metal, dark, and looked icy cold to the touch.
"Is that where we're going?" I decided to ask.
"In a way, yes. However, you are recommended to wear this." He said, handing over a piece of torn clothe.
"Wait, why do I need to-!" I cut myself off, "Sorry..."
I turned around to let him bind the clothe around my head when I felt a quick pain and I blacked out.
By the time I came to, I found myself in another cell, staring up at the grey ceiling.
"Ugh... I think I can see a constellation..." I moaned.
"Hey, you feeling alright? You've been unconscious for the past couple hours, I began to think you were dead." Asked a familiar voice to my right.
"Elie!" I exclaimed, launching up and winching in pain from a bad headache, "Ow! It feels like my head is tearing itself apart!"
"Then sit back down, genius. We're not in a rush, not like we're getting out of here anytime soon. These walls are solid concrete, and the door is made of thick iron..." she informed, with a hint of sadness.
"Well, not exactly..." I replied, still in pain, "I was given a chance to leave anytime I want. However, I needed to see if you were alright."
"Baka!" Knocking the backside of my head, "You should have left, I mean, I appreciate your concern, really, but you know as well as I do, in this messed up world, nothing is as good as it seems."
I knew she was right, and even though it felt like my head was going to explode. I realised I couldn't ever leave her side, I needed her.
"I couldn't just leave you behind, I needed... To make sure you don't do anything stupid!" I replied awkwardly, rubbing the back of my head.
"Please, let's reverse our roles now!" She exclaimed jokingly, nudging me on the shoulder.
"Sure." I responded, still rubbing my sore face.
We stood up, and made way for the door where the gorilla-like man waited for us cross-armed. No words were spoken, he had grunted and flicked his attention towards the other end of the hall.
It was when we returned to the 'hangar' that things fell to chaos. We had come just into the open when we saw people sprinting around in a flurry of arms and legs. Then we heard the gunshots.
Bang! Bang!
"What's going on?" I asked as a woman in her early sixties dropped to the floor. I didn't need to be told that she was dead, her eyes became glassy and she became drenched in a pool of blood.
"Stay behind cover, and wait for me, we're being attacked." He blatantly spoke, uncoiling his firearm.
We watched in horror as Jepson ran into the crowd and had almost immediately gotten shot. His handgun sliding across the floor, inches away from where we were. Grabbing it, I felt a little safer knowing I had means of protection.
"Hey, do you know any exits or emergency escapes we can get outta' here in?" Celestine asked nudging my shoulder.
I was running a blank and couldn't focus with the massacre unraveling before me, then I remembered something.
"Well, I know one way... But you're not going to like it."

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