Freedom Isn't Free

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When I came to, it was silent, there was glass everywhere on the carpeted floor. I sat up, immediatly inflicted with pain, it appeared that there was a shard of glass jutting out from my hip. using my arm to drag my limp body to a nearby dirty chair, I pulled myself up through the pain. It then when I realized Celestine wasn't in the room.

"Celestine!" I shouted, and waited for a response.


Panicked that something had happened to her, I took hold of the glass wary not to cut myself further. Thumb on the bottom, index finger on the top I got a firm grip on it. Realizing if I were to pull it slow, it would hurt more than a quick pull, I braced myself and yanked!

"Ahh!" I screamed in pain, "huh, huh. huh- ung!"

I felt the blood seeping into my clothes, quickly. I would surely die of blood loss if I didn't get medical attention soon, but where would I go. Before I could do anything else, I blacked out.

I felt pressure being pushed onto the open wound.

"Agh!" I winced as I shot up.

"Welcome back to the world of the living. Stay down, you need to be still to heal, besides your the main reason we're still alive." Celestine exclaimed,

"W-what do you mean?" I asked,

"They caught us. Because of your unconcious butt." She responded.

Wonderful. I looked around at my environment. It appeared to be a banged-up white van. There was an elder on my left where my wound was applying pressure. Behind him there was a small boy, cowering. I wanted to ask his name, but I was no condition to do so. Forcing my head to the right I saw a family, probably Asain, huddled together in tears. I had the feeling these weren't going to be nice people. Before I got the chance to see who was driving I blacked out again.


"Gah!" I yelped, freezing.

I launched up confused and wet. I was in some sort of broken down cell.

"Follow me." Echoed a male's voice.

I had only just realized I wasn't alone, and yet at the same time, I was.

"Where is Celestine!?" I furiously shouted.

"In time." He replied.

"Hey! Tell me!" I insisted.

He turned his head in my direction, giving me a cold stare. I took that time to assess the situation. On his side lay a medium-sized handgun, he wore a tactical bullet-proof vest, and a tattered wife-beater underneath. The walls that surrounded me were cold gray, and it paved only two paths, forward into the drakness where my guide was escorting me, or back to the cell I was adruptly awaken inside of.

"What is this place?" I mumbled to myself, slowly approaching the stranger who halted to wait for me at the end of the hallway.

"The name of this place won't be a concern to you much longer, the only thing important to you now should be loyalty and patience. We only need your understanding and cooperation, and then you may be on your way." He strictly stated, looking into his eyes I could see that he was very tired, but he was trying to stay formal for whatever reason.

"Why should I have to listen to a bunch of mindless abductors?" I was hoping that my confidence would have scared him enough to allow an escape, I was dead wrong.

He unclipped his handgun and pointed in directly at me without hesitation.

"I have been instructed to shoot you if you don't cooperate. Will there be any further problems, or will I have to kill a kid?" He blatantly asked.

I didn't reply, just in case, this guy already seemed like he wasn't entirely in a good mood. So instead I just kept walking with my mouth shut.

After about what felt like hours, we finally reached the end of the tunnel, and I was mentally unprepared for what I saw. The room was more like an underground bunker with alien-looking technology, and smelt faintly like honeydew.

"Wow..." I murmured under my breath.

"Yeah, it's nice isn't it? Keep moving, we're not resting yet." He remarked.

I already knew this guy had the humor and tolerance of a rock, so I kept moving taking in all of the sights. Even though the room was big enough for almost a thousand people, I was only capable of seeing maybe twenty.

I had to think quick, there's gotta be an exit, only if General Grumpy over here wasn't watching me twenty-four seven. I thought to myself, I hope Celestine is alright she's... wait, what's that?

I turned my head toward the east side of the room where a lone door covered in a substance that looked like dried blood. Ew! It was partly open and allowed anyone to see a part of the room. It was dark in there and reeked of rotting corpses, very comforting.

"Hey uh..." I held my tongue, Nearly forgot, I don't need to get killed over something as stupid as a question about some room. But still...

I was turning my attention back towards the wall, that was about twenty meters away last time I looked, when...


"Gah!" I shouted, running face first into the door, "Ow, what the he-"

"Jarun. I've been expecting you, we all have." Stated a feminine voice.

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