roblox chat 😃

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I found them- these were taken back in 2020 btw lmao

I found them- these were taken back in 2020 btw lmao

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Ok so idk if these are in the right order or not but I'm hoping so

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Ok so idk if these are in the right order or not but I'm hoping so.

Ok so for context I was playing piggy with my brother and a few friends and this girl told me that she liked me out of nowhere and I don't even know her 😭

So I told her I had a girlfriend that I knew irl already(I didn't but I was trying to get her to leave me alone) and she said I could have them both 💀

I told her I'd text the reply of my gf(💀) but uh I never did and we never dated either bc well I didn't know her and it was kinda weird-

And yes I was trying to be as nice as possible about it at the time so uh 😅


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