i feel so bad

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So my mom had surgery a few days ago and we are at my uncle's luckily they have internet but anyway my dad wants me to go to my step sisters cheer competition at 9 in the morning and my mom just asked me "are you going to dads in the morning" in a really weak voice and I said "do you want me to go?" She said "you can go if you want" i said "i dont want you hear alone" to which she replied "it's ok" i said "but if i go who's gonna watch you" and she shook her head no and replied "no one it's ok" and i swear it broke my heart i think I'd rather stay like look at her condition she's only got up for the bathroom

So my mom had surgery a few days ago and we are at my uncle's luckily they have internet but anyway my dad wants me to go to my step sisters cheer competition at 9 in the morning and my mom just asked me "are you going to dads in the morning" in a...

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I just feel so bad ;~;

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