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"Today we will start a new project." The head teacher Chuck said once the class finally had gotten quiet.

"Thanks to some study that the school has decided that we will participate in, I am going to divide you into groups that you will be working with the rest of the school year."

Half the class let out loud sighs, mostly because they wanted to pick their own partner Chuck figured and he couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Keep your sighs and groans to yourself. I've got another thing to announce; you, class 9A, is going to have two from class 9C in you group!"

The result was swearwords, sighs, "oh come on"-s and "seriously?"-s.

"Why do we have to work with them? We might as well go out to find hobo's to work with!"

"In this class we raise our hands when we want to say something Winchester," Chuck snapped and Dean crossed his arms over his chest "and why we're doing this? It's simply something that the school has decided."


Just a bit of information; the reason why nobody wants to work with the class 9C is because the class is known for being a plain pain-in-the-ass. For some reason the classes got split up by the different areas of the town.
9A was more of the "successful" children with wealthier parents with education and they didn't just throw away their chances to education.
9B contained the average teenager, more or less.
9C, however, were defined as "white trash" even though they lived in the same town as the rest of the school. The only difference was the fact that some of them were living in trailers, some had druggie parents, they all had rougher accents and most of them didn't give two shits about school.


In the middle of the "boooooo"-ing someone knocked on the door. Chuck made a final attempt to quiet the class before giving up and went to open the door instead, and in walked Eller Harvelle.
Everybody got quiet.
Ellen was a good woman and knew everything about everyone; she could read you like an open book, and everyone was either terrified or loved her, there was no between.

"Mornin' Chuck." She said with a smile and Chuck smiled back.

"Just broke the fun news." He informed her and she let her eyes scan the room.

"Well then." She said and looked back at Chuck "Let's bring 'em in." she took one last look at the class before walking out of the room.

"Get yer lazy asses over here!" Ellen shouted to her class and 9A laughed nervously, not used to the harsh language coming from a teacher. A few seconds later the front of the room got filled with students. Ellen, being the head teacher of the class, counted them quietly.

"Walsh?" She said and looked over to one of the more decent looking pupils of the class "Do you know when Grimes and Dixon is?"

Shane snorted and grinned.

"Nah, but those two fucks owe me twenty bucks now."

Ellen dint look amused.

"Ok, first of, Shane, we don't use than language here." At that Shane put his hands up in surrender, his smirk never leaving his lips "And you have no idea where they are?"

Shane shook his head but before he could elaborate the door opened and two teens, one with curly hair and one with a bit too long hair, were pushed into the room by one of "guards" that walked the school to stop students from fighting and to catch those who decided to skip classes.

"Oh! So you finally decided to join us!" Ellen said and the boys stopped dead in their tracks.

"Sorry mam," the curly haired boy began "but we kinda lost track on the time and -" Ellen raised a hand and literally waved of his excuse "Get your asses over there so we can give you your new partners." The boys silently looked at each other before quickly walking over to the others.


Dean knew who the guys who were now sitting in front of him was. The curly haired boy was the sheriffs' kid, named Rick Grimes. And how he had ended up in 9C, Dean had no idea. The other boy with the too long hair, Daryl, was the kid brother to the schools most famous student; Merle Dixon. Everyone knew who he was and even though he had graduated, to everyone's surprise, the stories about him were still being told. And next to him sat the one boy in Dean's entire class that he never had spoken to; Castiel Novak, the kid known for being weird and always wearing the same old worn-out trench coat.

And now he would be stuck with them for the rest of the school year.

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