I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!

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"Can't you drive faster Dean? We're gonna start working with lore's and ghosts and I don't wanna be late." Sammy Winchester said and Dean sighed, not taking his eyes of the road.
"It's your own fault, Sammy. Should have kept track on your homework so you won't need to look for it in the morning."
"Don't call me Sammy." Sam said crossing his arms, ignoring Dean's statement completely.
"What's wrong with Sammy?" Dean asked with mock innocent as he turned into the school parking lot.
"Sammy is a chubby ten year old." Sam said as he opened the door.
"I don't see any difference." Dean said and Sam rolled his eyes before stepping out of the car.
"Hey!" Dean called after him and Sam looked into the car again, he had to bend down now as he had started to grow like hell all of a sudden.
"What Dean? I'm going to be late."
"I just wanted to say; have a great day Sammy."
Sam rolled his eyes but Dean could see the small smile he tried to hide as he said "Screw you Dean." before closing the door.
"Only kid I've ever seen who's excited to go school." Dean muttered for himself as he watched his brother dash into the large building. His own first class, art, didn't start until eight forty so he had some time to kill on his hands.
He ended up doing nothing.
He sat in his car, the door open, listening to his favorite Led Zeppelin album, and just enjoyed the beautiful morning. He was in the middle of drumming along a solo when the familiar old trench coat caught his eyes. Castiel Novak was strolling up to the school with slow steps, hands in his pockets, bag on his back. His messy hair was standing in all the angels existing, and under the bangs, Dean could see those baby blue eyes...
Dean shock his head and looked down at the steering wheel. What the hell was he doing? Why the hell did he notice the kids eyes? When he looked up again he saw Castiels back going through the doors and Dean shook his head one more time before going back to drumming and airguitar-ing along with the songs.
Not long after came a blue pickup truck and parked a on the other side of the lot, and out came the sheriffs kid, Rick, with his bag in his hand. A neutral smile on his face which seemed to be permanently stuck, walking confident and looking ready to greet the new day. The kid looked like a nice person, and Dean had to admit that it probably wouldn't be so bad to work with him.
Dean lost track of time. Some chick, a good looking one too, had walked up to his car and they had fallen into a deep discussion about nothing and everything, and when she had finally walked away, the clock had suddenly turned eight thirty-five. It looked like he was going to have to run. He turned of the car and was about to walk out when a lonely figure slowly made its way up to the school.
Even though a black ratty hoodie covered his face, not that Dean would have seen it anyway because it was facing he ground, he knew that the kid was Daryl. It may have been the way that his shoulders were hunched together, or the cigarette in his hand, but it was somehow obvious.
He sat like frozen and looked as the kid put the cigarette out on the schools stonewall before pulling the doors open and walked in.
Dean walked into the classroom just as the bell rang.
Everyone sat in their assigned group and Dean spotted Castiel's trench coat in the back of the classroom and slowly made his way over there. No one said a word to each other as Dean took a seat, Rick only smiled at him while Castiel watched the teacher and Daryl stared at the table.
"Okay," Chuck said with a raised voice to make himself herd over the chatter and all eyes went to him "we need to start the lesson now!" He paused and waited until it got quiet.
"Most of you don't really know each other, which might be necessary if you're going to work together for the rest of the year. So I want each group to go somewhere and sit down to talk and get to know one another." He looked around the quiet room. "Think you could do that?"
Students got the message and got up and left the room with their groups.
"I want you back here by nine thirty!" Chuck shouted after them and Dean looked around the table.
"So, where d'ya wanna go? I don't think the benches behind the cafeteria's gonna be taken."
"Sounds good." Rick said ad looked around the table. "Sounds good Castiel?" Castiels eyes shot to him as if he had been dragged out of a dream and said a low "yes".
"Daryl? You up for it?" A few seconds passed before the kid in question nodded.
Rick was a born leader, Dean noted.
"Okay then," he said "let's go."
The benches were, indeed, unoccupied. Dean sat down with a sigh, Castiel sat down to his left and Rick to his right. Daryl stood by the wall next to the bench.
And then it got quiet.
The minutes passed and Dean started to absently tap his foot. Looking over to the others he saw Castiel staring up at the sky, seeming lost in his thoughts. Dean didn't notice that Daryl took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one until the smoke reached Deans nose he got pulled out of his trance like staring at Castiel.
"Smoking is bad for you." Came Castiel's quiet voice and Deans eyes went to Daryl, who was now staring at the trench coat clad kid. And then, as if he wanted to prove that he didn't give a shit, took a long drag and blew out the smoke. Dean chuckled and looked out over the trees the bench was facing.
"Cas, buddy, I think he knows what he's doing."
It got quiet again, Cas didn't reply, and for some reason Dean felt himself get a bit panicky. Did he upset him? Was it something he said? Didn't he like being called Cas? He dared a glance over to the other boy, and could believe his eyes.

Castiel was blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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