Chapter 17

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The rain fell diagonally from the sky as it rode on westerly winds that whistled over the trees. The sky darkened and a cloud burst. Alastor internally cursed himself for not checking for rain before inviting Charlie on this fishing trip.

"What a disater." He said as they rushed to toward the house. "Forgive me my dear, I really should have looked into the forecast for today."

"Oh no it wasn't a disaster." She assured him. "Really, I had a wonderful time."

"You won't be hurting my feelings. I know this wasn't at all what you had in mind."

"No but just because something was unexpected, doesn't mean it's bad and in all honesty there are worse things than getting caught in the rain."

"I take it this doesn't mean you regret accepting my invitation?"

"Of course not. In fact I'm glad you offered. It's been a very long time since I did something simple yet fun. Also I don't get a chance to go outside very much. This was really nice. Thank you for inviting me."

"You're most welcome. Thoguh I do believe I should find some way to make this up to you Charlotte."

"That's not neccessary. But may I ask you something?"


"Why are you trying so hard to impress me?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"It's just that, ever since I've arrived here you've gone out of your way to make me feel comfortable and happy. You seem so nervous and so eager to please me. It's very sweet but why?"

"I guess it is because it's been so long since I've had a guest. Espically one who can appreicate my home and my culture. Most people aren't very fond of my household or the history surrounding it. It's very nice to finally meet someone who can recognize the splendor of it."

"I can't understand why very few people don't like it. It almost feels like home here."

Alastor's smile grew.

"I'm glad you feel that way."

Niffty brought them towels as soon as they entered the house, and Charlie then moved to her room where she called Vaggie to check up on Angel, but due to the storm the cellphone service was not working very well. After three failed attempts at calling, she strating drying her wet hair with the towel Niffty gave her. After that she combed her hair out with a brush from the vanity and doing so caused her to notice the music box again. She slowly moved her fingers over the lid of the box and slowly lifted it, just as before, a melody played.

She listened to the song intently and watched the dancers as though mesmerized. A fanciful scene of unaccustomed vivdness was drifting through her imagination.  Images of a glittering ballroom where gentlemen and ladies in bright, flashing clothes would waltz the night away to music. She could see masks, paper faces on parade. A king and a queen, a fool and a priest, a cat and a dog, an angel and a devil, so many strange and colorful faces. Yet she could see one who did not wear a mask. One who did not wish to hide his face from her.

"It was a gift of love."

Charlie turned to find Alastor standing in the doorway, he had come up to bring her an extra towel and she had left the door open. His eyes seemed full of sorrow when they fell upon the music box.

"I'm sorry." Charlie said confused.

"The music box. My namesake made it especially for her."


"His sweetheart, his love, his bride." He expalined while slowly entering the room. "My namesake was destined  to struggle in life. He was born in wedlock between a white man and a woman of color, and society could not accept that. He was constantly tormented. White people thought he was lower than dirt and people of color thought he was traitor. When he was eight years of age his mother had bought him new clothes to wear to school but a group of white children tore off his clothes and threw dirt and rocks at him, saying that he shouldn't walk around all clean and fancy like he was one of them. And when he was ten a group of colored teenagers held him down and poured bleach on him, saying that if he wanted to act white then they would make him white. His skin didn't turn white but the tone would never be the same again."

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