Glossary Terms

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Here are a few definitions of the terms Jehovah's Witnesses use often. This might help you as your read my story: 

JW- my shorthand for Jehovah's Witnesses 

Meetings- church services. When I was younger, we had a total of 3 meetings. Sunday meetings were regular church services that we had that had a public talk and a Watchtower lesson, Monday night book study was when we met in a home and study out of a publication written by the Watchtower Society and Thursday night meetings was when we had a school for preaching door to door. 

The Watchtower Society- the organization as a whole that publishes, makes and "feeds" the organization

The Governing Body- from the sources of their website: a small group of mature Christians who provide direction for Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. They are considered anointed and are working closely with the holy spirit.

Watchtower lesson- It is a question-and-answer article written by the Society where the congregation reads the lesson and then has the opportunity to participate

Preaching Work- Door to door, field service or cart witnessing (all different forms of witnessing) 

Jesus- God's son

Jehovah- God Almighty 

Holy Spirit- God's active force 

Unbaptized publisher- A title that says you are eligible to go door to door, but yet to be a dedicated baptized JW

Gilead-Bible school for missionaries to teach them everything before they go out on their assignment. Must be baptized. 

Bethel- The headquarters of JWs

Bethelites- The brothers and sisters who work in Bethel to publish and produce the literature for the society. 

Elders- the lead men in the congregation that shepherd the flock. Must be baptized

Ministerial Servants- a step below elders, they do more of the labor work in the congregation. (Sound, passing out publications to members etc. This would be the step you take before you become and elder) Must be baptized.

Circuit Overseers- men who oversee multiple congregations. They visit each congregation in their circuit twice a year for 1 week and encourage the brothers and sisters with the latest information from the Watchtower society. Then they compile a report and send it to Bethel. Must be baptized.

Pioneers- Volunteers who spend time in the preaching work and dedicated 840 hours a year in such work. They get certain privileges such as pioneer school within the first year of pioneering and every 5 years after. They also have special meetings throughout the year and are considered "strong pillars" in the congregation. Must be baptized

Auxiliary Pioneers- Volunteers who are able to dedicate 50 hours (for months that the CO is not visiting) or 30 hours (when CO is visiting) per month. It can be continuous decision or can be a once-a-month commitment.  If you are able to participate during the CO visit you have the privilege to sit in on the meeting with the other pioneers on how to sharpen your skills in the ministry. Must be baptized. 

This section will be updated as the story goes on and continues. 

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