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"Neveah!!!!!" Amelia shouts when she sees me at the merch tent.
"Amelia! Get your butt back here and get to work." I laugh at her
Karlee gives me a weird look. I pull Amelia's tour lament out of my pocket and hand it to her. She throws it around her neck and then throws her arms around me.
"Wait where's your stuff?" I ask referring to her suitcase
"CC is taking care of that. He's meeting my mom and dad right now."
"And you left him to fend for himself? This is goofy CC we're talking about."
"He'll be fine."
I leave it at that and introduce her to Karlee and we get back to work.

"Mr and Mrs Reynolds?" I ask nervous
Amelia's parents look up, and I see where Amelia gets her looks. Her mother has red hair and bright green eyes and her father has dark black hair and brown eyes. They give me a once over and my nerves intensify.
"You are?" her father asks
"Rich," his wife scolds, "can't you tell? This is CC. Did I say that right?"
"yes ma'am."
"Oh! My apologies. I figured my daughter would've been with you."
"I understand, but she was needed at the tent to help set up, and I wanted to be man enough to introduce myself alone and it would be an honor to show you around so you can see what your daughter will be doing for the rest of the summer?"
"That's very kind of you." her mother says
"May I take her bag?" I ask
They open the trunk and I grab her bag, and lead them to the bus. I open the door and peak in to make sure everyone is decent, then I climb on, her parents in tow behind me. I put her bag on our bunk, her parents don't need to know that. They look around.
"How many people share this bus?" her father questions
"Well we have a driver, the 5 of us, Neveah, sometimes Juliet stays here or Andy goes to her bus, and now Amelia. But unless it's really hot we spend a lot of time outside of the bus. Amelia and Neveah will be spending most days at our merch tent interacting with fans. We also have a catering tent so they will be well fed, and there is medical personal on hand at all times in case of emergencies."
They just stand there and take it all in as the door opens and Ashley walks in.
"Hey man? These her parents?" he asks
I nod and he shakes their hands.
"Name's Ashley. It's nice to meet you. I actually came to find you and see if you wanted to go check on our girls before the fans swarm," he cracks a smile, "plus it will give her parents an opportunity to see what she'll be doing while she's here."
They agree and we head to the tent. We pass the catering tent on the way and I make sure to point it out.
"CC, please stop being nervous. We aren't going to bite you. You make our daughter happy, happier than we've seen her in a while. Relax."
"Yes Ma'am."
"Quit that ma'am and sir shit. His name's Rich and I'm Diane."
"Yes Diane."

Amelia's P.O.V.
All the merch is up and ready for fans to buy. So we decide to sit and relax while we can.
"So how long have you two known each other?" Karlee asks
"December?" I answer
Neveah nods, but then she smiles and jumps out of her seat and takes off. I look at the direction she ran, and see Ashley, CC, and my parents coming towards us. I follow her suit and run to CC. She jumps into Ashley's arms and he chuckles as he holds her. I run to CC and he picks me up and spins me, before setting me down to give me a peck on the cheek.
"Came to show your parents what you'll be doing all summer." CC tells me
I hold his hand and lead him and my parents to the tent, and when my parents see everything we have to sell their eyes go wide.
"You are selling a lot of stuff."
"It has to last from June to almost the end of August. It's best to have a lot of options so if we run out of something, we have back up shirts and stuff." Karlee informs, a pro at this
"Mom, this is Karlee. She is going to working with Neva and I. This is her fifth Warped Tour selling merch."
"How old are you sweetie?"
"Twenty-one. Tagged along with my boyfriend when I was sixteen, and fell in love with it. So now I come every year, even though he hasn't been on a tour since that first year. I'll look out for these two."
Later in the day Neva and I got a break to go watch the guys perform. It was my first time standing side stage, and my parents watched too.
"This next song goes out to all you lovers out there! It's called Rebel Love Song!" Andy shouted and then gave Juliet a look and smile.
"....So take your hand in mine it's ours tonight, this is a rebel love song!" Andy sings
Neva, Juliet, and I rock out and my parents just stand and watch, smiles on their faces.
When the guys set is over and everyone has thrown something into the crowd, they come over to us. Andy kisses Juliet.
"Good job, like always." she supports him so well
Ashley hugs Neva.
"Have a nice trip out there?" she laughs at him
He gives her a look and then shakes his sweat all over her, causing her to laugh before kissing him.
Just then CC walks over to me.
"Did you enjoy yourself baby?" he asks me while wrapping me in a hug
"Yes, this was so cool!" I shout
Everyone laughs and my parents walk over to me. They give me hugs.
"We'll see you home before you go back to school correct?" my father says, giving me the look.
"Of course. I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it." I say trying to hide the sadness in my voice.
We all exchange looks and Jinxx offers to help them to their car, while Amelia and I walk back to the merch tent.

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