#1 - No Fandom

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Basic info

-Legal name - Violia Nian

-Nicknames - Vy, Shortie, Pix

-Species - Shifting Pixie

-Sexuality - Bi-curious, never really been in a relationship where she figured it out.

-Age - 20

Birthday: November 14th. If you get it, you get it. (hint hint, whats 9 months before?)

Fandom - None! My personal one, if you will, called MBS. Monster Boarding School.


-Hair - Shoulder level straight edge bob with bangs. Light purple hair, with purple-pink streaks only in her bangs and mostly front hair.

-Eyes - Wide, but sharp edged. Soft look. Light-ish pink eyes, with oval pupils.

-Build - Mostly flat chested, petite with few curves. She is a Pixie so she's naturally short, no surprise there. 

-Skin - Pale, not too pale. A light pink birthmark under her left eye, covered just about 15% of her face.

-Wings - Light pink to dark pink blotches on white. She has 3 wings, one large one connected to a smaller one underneath. A separate medium wing under both.

-Height - 4'9, 4'10 on a good day


-Normally - Calm, smiley and docile. Not easily angered, but very easily upset. Easy to approach, letting her being popular amongst challenged ones or ones who just need it.

-Angered - Though rare, when angered she does have anger tears. Its too big of an emotion for her, it's hard for her to process emotionally/mentally so tears fall.

-Upset/sad - Oh there's definitely tears. She'll honestly have a pathetic attitude. Bottom lip trembling, hard to see through glossy eyes, and puffy eye bags. Body trembling too.

-Weirded out - A kinda judgy look, awkward smile. Kinda edging away from you, It's hard to weird her out considering she likes weird(if you see it as) things herself.

Kinks/Sexual life

-General - Not much experience, she closest she's gotten is herself. The closest she's gotten with another person is making out and touching, but that's about it. She does recognise she'd be a pillow princess.

-Kinks/Turn ons - She is educated, however. She finds herself heavily interested in overstimulation, or edging. Also interested in being punished, or waking up to it(with consent and a consenting partner). Possessive aspect from her partner, humiliation.

-Turn offs - Blood, or general fear inducing things. She does like the aspect of Alpha and Omega, but not in a forceful way. Exhibitionism(shown to others, attention drawn to you) is off the table for hers. She wants to be special to someone, and only theirs to see.

Romantic life/likings

-Type - Short, but not as short as her. Preferably 5'2 or 5'4. She loves darkskins, with dark eyes or really bright eyes. Hair colour doesn't really matter to her. Kind personality, but the calm no energy type. Hypersexual.

-Experience - She's only had about 3 relationships, that were serious, and not from her stupid child years. The 1st one wasn't the best, she quickly realised it wasn't with the best person. The 2nd one as okay, but the long distance didn't work too well. The 3rd was for about 2ys, not good or bad, just happened.

-What she wants - A long lasting relationship, as one night stands aren't her type. Someone who can take care of her, but that she can provide for too.

-Her status - She's typically not the most recognised out of a group of girls. Pixie's have a bad reputation, they're associated with darkness and or poverty. So when she is recognised, unless in a bad way, she just lights up. She's very good at giving.

Past/General Life

-When she was about 5, her mother fell incredibly ill and developed Glaucoma. It took over her mom's eye sight, and she soon found her caretaker blind. She became the caretaker, she took care of her since she was 7.  She didn't mind, she enjoyed the newfound time with her. Her dad was never in the picture. She was an only child, as her mom had an abortion after being R!p3d. This did occur after blindness ensued.

-She lives in an apartment, and owns one cat named Gerico who is a 5yo calico; he's sweet and calm, very adoring.

-She is going to college for her doctor's degree.

-Dislikes - She hates rude people, or mean people by nature. Doesn't really like sour stuff, but can handle it.

-Likes - Loves spicy stuff. But she overdoes herself a lot with it. Loves sweet stuff too. Is drawn to people with a kind nature, or ones that you wouldn't expect to be kind. Overprotective people, really. Adores animals, I mean adores.


-She wears a coral coloured collar, as she likes the idea of being a pet in a way. Owner/owned situation.

-While she is bi-curious, she tends to find more androgynous people hotter. She has a hard time choosing, so why not a mix?

-Does like the idea of being a mom, and having kids. But she personally might end up adopting, pregnancy herself scares her a bit. 

-Especially likes the idea of marriage.

Thats Violia!

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