Chapter 3

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Lovino woke up by the sight of Antonio transforming into an octopus as he fell down from the bed. He stared shocked up at the sealing, and the young brunette couldn't bare just looking at him. It was so funny.

Spain then blinked and sat himself up and rubbed the back of his head.

"What in the world are you doing?" Romano asked and watched the elder stand up and rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"I uh... I have no idea."

The phone suddenly rang in the other room. The sound of the vibration drowe the Spaniard insane. He ran and threw himself at the counter with Lovino jogging behind him.

"For fucks sake, Spain... You're not a goddamn clown.. You're a-"

"Oh shut up." The Spaniard laughed and pulled the vibrating mess up to his ear.

"What's up? Oh, England! Great timing- what?" He suddenly gave away a shocked expression with his hand covering his mouth. Lovino cocked his head at him, but the Spaniard ignored him.

"England.. You can't be serious now.." His eyes roamed the kitchen like he was trying to find something. He eventually just closed his eyes with a heavy sigh. The younger one were growing impatient, so he just walked back to their room to get the rest of his clothes. When he came back to the kitchen, Spain was sitting on the counter with his phone barely slipping off his fingers.

"Is there something wrong?" Lovino asked concerned. He waved a hand in front of him, but no reaction came. "Hello? Earth to Spain! Get it? Spain to earth-"

Lovino almost jumped back when Spain suddenly jumped off the counter. He expected him to walk off somewhere else, and eventually come back later. But no, he simply took a smile upon his face and clapped his hands together.



Later that day, Lovino couldn't bare keeping it in, and asked him immediately as they walked inside again. But of course, the Spaniard only came up with something that did not make any sense at all. He spoke of something that England had destroyed his razor when he tried to shave his eyebrows. Well, it would have made sense if Spain didn't look so dead serious when he called.

"Are you one hundred percent sure about that?" Lovino sighed.

"Yes of course! It's England we're talking about here..." Antonio's voice vibrated ever so slightly, but enough for Lovino to notice his fear.

"Bastard. Spit it out."

The Spaniard let out more air than he had thought he held in. It was like waiting while deflating an air balloon. When he was done, he massaged his temples in frustration.

"How should I out this... I don't know if I can tell you."

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place?! You don't need to lie to me you idiot."

The room went silent again. Just like the several days before that. Antonio would suddenly just burst in to silence and acting like he isn't even there. Like a ghost. Lovino wasn't completely sure, but he thought it was something about going back to the battlefield. Spain probably didn't know, but he talked a lot in his sleep. He was either crying in pain, or giving commands.

"Urgh. I understand. I am not going to push you. Do as you wish." With a small pat on the elders shoulder, he left the kitchen without further ado. If he wouldn't tell him what was going on, then he had to find out himself.     


Lovino decided to call his younger brother, just to make sure if he knew anything at all. There wasn't anyone else that he could call anyways. Expect from France... But that gave him chills.


"Fratello? Thank God I-"

"L-Lovino? That's rare!"

"Yeah, I-"

"Something wrong???"


"Can you please shut the fuck up and let me finish my sentence?!" He sighed in frustration and drummed his fingers on the table, waiting for a response from his brother. He could literally hear his brain progressing.

"Will you now listen?"

"Yeah, sorry. I am just so surprised you called.."


Lovino sighed again, but shrugged his frustration aside.


"Okay, listen. I wanted to ask you something... Spain has been acting weird lately. He got a call from England this morning. I asked him about it, but he said he wasn't sure if he could tell me. Do you know anything about this?"

A long and endless silence went through the phone line. Lovino was just about to hang up when he heard his brother saying something quiet.

"Uh, well, if he said that he wasn't sure to let you know about this something, then he sure as hell have a reason to. Oh, Germany says it's dinner! Got to go! But please, don't take this too deep, alright? Ciao!"


Well... What was that all about? Lovino had just heard fratello swear once. It was really rare. The pieces went just too far this time. Now Lovino have absolutely no idea what's going on. But, Feli seemed to hesitate a bit there when he asked him. Did he knew something about this as well and just pretended to have no clue?     






That night, Lovino couldn't sleep. He was thinking too much on that phone call. Either that, or then the room was way too hot at the moment. What the hell was actually happening? So many questions!

"Lovino.. Are you awake?" Romano suddenly froze. He was worrying too much. It's probably nothing. If Spain says it's fine, then it is. Nothing worth arguing about.

"What- No." A faint laugh could be heard from the other side of the bed. Lovino smiled to himself and looked at the dark window. Everything's fine here and now, so why worry about the future?

"You know... I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing the dishes tomorrow..? I have washed them for three weeks now."

"Sure, whatever." Spain looked at Romano with wide eyes. He was not sure if had heard him right.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? You know you could just ask me, right?"

"I guess. I must have been too stupid." Antonio said in the middle of a yawn. But Lovino didn't like that. He shuffled a bit closer and then poked his cheek childishly. "You are not stupid. Even if I fucking say so." The elder one then sighed happily. He wondered what had happened to the stubborn child he once had. The memories couldn't wait. He looked back at the time when he first met Lovino. He thought he was just like his brother, but hell, he was not. But then again, he isn't like that at all nowadays. He sure was lucky to have Lovino on his side, and that's also one of the reason he is afraid of what England had said on the phone. At first he thought he was just joking. But he was not. He had called the Spaniard to warn him for what's to come, and Antonio don't like that at all.  


Hey ya guys! Here's chapter three for you :) I am way too lazy to care about grammar and stuff like that right now. It's (kind of) late right now so.. yeah. Anyways i hope you enjoy :) Another chapter will be updated sooner this time XD Hope ya like it :)


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