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Yoongi's POV

Lunch was a complete disaster. It was awkward and full of just weird conversations. I honestly didn't want to go. Hoseok kept begging me but I wasn't really feeling it. I mean why would I have lunch with his parents when they basically despise me.

His mom tries to be friendly with me sometimes, giving me small smiles but I know he doesn't really care for me, not after what I did. His father just blatantly ignores my presence. To him I'm non existent. I was not going to be in a place where I was unwelcome and ever since my divorce I was unwelcome every where.

Everyone liked Jimin , she is kind,caring,beautiful and a all around good person, so when our friends found out that we were going to divorce and the reason why, they dropped me as a friend. I mean some stayed but it wasn't the same.

The ones that did stay never liked Hoseok and we hung out less because Hoseok always wanted to be with me.The reason I did go to lunch with Hoseok was because he said that his parents invited Jimin.

That meant that Taehyung would be there and since she didn't want me to be near him, this was the only way I could ever see him and I didn't like that.

When we got to her parents house her mom was at the door and gave us both a hug but mine felt cold. I saw Jimin and she looked peeved. However she was still beautiful if not more so than the last time I saw her.Lunch was weird and it didn't help that Hoseok was talking about the wedding for most of it.

I  was just looking at Jimin and Taehyung the whole time. She was so so nurturing. She was looking at Taehyung and wiping his face of food. She didn't even eat yet, she was making sure he ate. I looked at her so different. I didn't see the old Jimin that in hurt and betrayed.

I saw a mother who loved his son.What about me. I was his father and I can't even share in this moment with him. I just looked at my food.Hoseok however did something that was so uncalled for. I mean asking your sister who is marrying your ex husband to be your maid of honor.

Has he lost his freaking mind.Jimin however kept a calm face the entire time and told him no in the simplest way possible. I didn't like when Hoseok brought up the mention of Taehyung's father in the conversation. What Jimin said really broke my already shattered heart.

Was that what she really thought of me now. That I would hurt Taehyung . Jimin left with Taehyung and Hoseok and I followed soon after.When Hoseok and I got home I was tired and depressed. That wasn't good for me."Baby what's wrong" Hoseok said sitting close to me."Nothing" I said kinda harsh"

Is it about Jimin""No" I said partially lying"Is it about Taehyung"When I didn't respond he took that as the reason why and didn't say anything. A couple of quiet moments passed when he spoke again."baby I have a suggestion"

He said with so much happiness in his voice."What suggestion" I said curious"Okay well I can see it your eyes that you want to spend time with Taehyung and I know he's your son.

Jimin isn't going to make you see him, so why don't you make it so legally you have to see him."I wasn't getting what he was trying to say and he could see the confusion on my face.he sighed" Yoongi what I'm saying is that if you file for joint custody of Taehyung and take her to court and win, you can see Taehyung and she can't tell you no. He is your son too."

Court I can't do that to her. She would hate me more and I don't want that, but Hoseok has a point I would be able to see Taehyung and Jimin isn't allowing me."I'll look into it" he smiled really wide at that.

Jimin's POV

It's been a couple of days since the lunch and today I was feeling refreshed and ready to start a new. I found a new daycare for Taehyung and he started on Monday and my job is going great . Taehyung was playing with his toys when the door bell rang.

Thinking it was the food I order I opened the door without asking. I saw a tall guy in a suit holding a manila envelope in his hand."Are you Park Jimin " he said."Yes and who are you""You've been served" and with that he just walked away. I tried calling him back but to no avail.

I wonder what I was served with.I heading back in the living room and opened the envelope. When I read it, I have never been so pissed in my life.Yoongi was taking me to court for joint custody of Taehyung.

Has he lost his fucking mind."Mwommy swaid bawd word ." Taehyung Said covering his mouth. I most of said that out loud. "Mommy's sorry baby"

"Tae I need you to go upstairs and get your jacket and shoes okay. "Otay Mwommy"
"Your gonna go visit gran-ma and gran-pa while I do something okay  sweetie"With that he went upstairs to get ready.

If Yoongi thinks this was supposed to scare me he as another thing coming. Did he forget that I know some of the top lawyers in the country. He wants a fight well come on.But first I'm going to pay him a little visit.


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