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A/N: Lol, this chapter is gonna be hard for me to write T_T Also, there's gonna be a few time skips. And this whole mental hospital thing isn't going to last long, I don't have the patience for that shit. So this is the only chapter you get of Oikawa in a psych ward. And I know not everything is accurately related to a mental hospital, don't point it out, please.

[ O i k a w a ]

Making it to the mental hospital I'm checked in. It's around 9 PM I think. Right now I'm being taken to a room and I have never felt more scared than I am right now. Okay, that might be a lie because Sato scares the living shit out of me. But at least I'll be safe here to a certain extent.

"And this is your room! You get one of the few windows that you can see through." The woman says, rolling her eyes. "You're one of the lucky ones." She adds, smiling and gently shoving me inside. "There's a change of clothes for you on the bed."

"Okay..." I mumble as the door is closed. Gulping, I change into the set of clothes and lay down, pulling the blanket over me and staring out the window that's a few feet away from the bed. Everything in here is childproof basically so that we don't hurt ourselves accidentally or intentionally.

I can see the moon from here, and it's actually pretty calming. But I know that I'm going to panic when I wake up in the morning. But I might not, it honestly depends on how I'm feeling about this whole situation because right now I'm too tired to give a shit.

Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply and exhale, forcing my tensed muscles to relax. Within minutes, sleep finally consumes me.

Waking up slowly, I sit up just as a small group of people enters the room. I gulp, not liking how many people are in a room with me. "Good morning, Tooru!" One of the women says, smiling brightly at me. "I'm Rei, this is Maya, Ryker, Yukio, and Hiro."

"Morning..." I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"We just need to ask you a few questions and then you can go to breakfast with the others," Hiro says, pulling up a chair and sitting down in front of the bed. "So, why did you cut yourself?" He asks as I gulp.

"B-Because someone told me to do him a favor and go die," I respond nervously. The man writes it down and hums, looking back up at me.

"Who is this person to you?" He asks.

"H-He's... my friend."

"Friends don't tell each other to go die. But how would you rate your depression right now? 1-10." He says. I could lie and prompt them into letting me go early, but they probably wouldn't believe me because my parents must have told them everything that I did and said. Ugh, fuck everything... I shouldn't have cut.

I shouldn't have let his words get the best of me.

"1." I finally respond, staring at him with a dead-serious expression. He and the others look at each other in a concerned manner before bringing their attention back to me. "My life is shit, okay? My ex is out to get me, so of course, I'm gonna be suicidal and depressed. I want to die by my hand, not his." I add, crossing my arms and scowling.

"Okay... Judging by your answer, we're going to keep you for a whole month." He says, writing something down in his notebook.


"Go on and head to breakfast," Rei says, urging me up and out of bed toward the door. Exiting the room, I scowl and hug myself tightly as I walk down the hospital hallway. Everything smells clean, and everything is shiny. I hate this place, fucking hate it...

Making it to the lunchroom, I sit down and lay my head down out of pure embarrassment. I have a bandage on my arm, so it's obvious I have a huge cut. But I'm not the only one, a couple of other kids around my age have some type of stitches or bandages.

"Hi." A feminine voice says from in front of me. Lifting my head, I spot a girl around my age smiling at me. She has a pale complexion, short brown hair, hazel eyes, and freckles.

"Hello..." I respond quietly.

"I'm Sayuri. You are?" She asks.


"Nice to meet you, Tooru. Did you just get here?" At this, I nod. "I don't know your story, but you might like it here. Most of us do. There are plenty of activities to help us socialize and not feel trapped.


"Not much of a talker, are you?"


Waiting in my room, the door is opened to reveal a familiar face. Tamiko... Shooting up from my bed, I run over to her and hug her tightly, earning a tighter hug from her. "I missed you so much, little bro! I'm disappointed that I had to visit you while you're like this..." She mumbles, pulling away. I nod sheepishly, sighing.

"I know, I reacted on impulse," I say honestly, backing up so I can sit on the bed.

"Damn right you did. I expected more from you, Tooru. Mom and dad called me the moment you were admitted into the first hospital. I came running, completely ignoring school because I knew you needed me. So, I'm staying for a few months." She says as I snap my attention up at her. She has to be joking.

"You're kidding... You're kidding, right?" At this, she shakes her head. "You didn't have to... School is more important than me."

"Now it's my turn to say are you kidding me. Family is more important, especially when it comes to you. I'll be waiting when you get released. Mom and dad agreed that I'll be the one to come pick you up when it's time for you to be released." She says, looking around. "Living in luxury I see."

"Now you're just being stupid," I say, rolling my eyes. "This place is a dump. Everything is childproof."

"As it should be for people like you."

"You're starting to piss me off."

"Hah! No, I'm not, you love me~"

"I do, it's unfortunate."

"You wound me." I chuckle, laying on the bed and stretching. "So, how long are you being held up here?"

"They said that I'll be here for a month because I said 1 on the depression scale and told them about Sato and how I want to die by my hand and not his. I'm terrified, Tamiko... I'm fucking scared. Did mom and dad tell you that he violated the restraining order by texting me?"

"No... They didn't."

We go on and talk for a while until visiting hours are over. Once she leaves, I immediately head to bed, thoughts running through my mind and how much I regret doing what I did and saying what I did.

Why do I miss Iwaizumi? He's the one who put me in this situation, I should be mad at him. But I'm not...

Atsumu's words keep replaying in my head. He was forced... By his dad... I don't believe a word of that. He said what he did because it's true. I am a waste of space. I don't belong here, I don't belong anywhere...

I'm confusing myself.

A/N: I do NOT like this chapter, I hate it. But this was one of my plans, and things are going to be getting a tad bit more steamy with Iwaizumi and Oikawa, just be patient. I'm taking too long, I apologize ;~; 

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