2. The Weirdo on Maple Street.

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Rory had fallen asleep on her brother's bed. She'd been too scared to tell her dad that her brother had snuck out and she was terrified that he'd have gone missing like Will.

Marcus had climbed back through the window to see his sister asleep hugging his pillow. Marc felt the pang of guilt knowing he'd worried her and laid on the floor next to his bed.

Marcus woke to a pillow being slammed repeatedly into his face.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" Rory whisper yelled.

"We went looking for Will," He answered sheepishly. Rory didn't look mad, just relieved.

"Marc, I know that you want to find Will, but I cannot lose you too. If you're going to do anything like that again, I'm coming with you" Marc began to protest. "Shut up. Or you tell me. If you don't, I'm telling dad you snuck out"

"Not fair! I cover for you all the time!"

"Not when people have gone missing!"

A voice shouting from downstairs cut their argument short.

"Marcus! Mallory! Come here please!" Even when Magnus was calm his voice boomed. His voice was not calm as he called them this morning. He sounded panicked.

The Mc'Kenna siblings were on a tight lockdown. Magnus could sense something very wrong. Not just with the Byres disappearance but it wasn't like his friend Benny to just kill himself. Nothing about Benny said suicidal, Magnus had only had beers with him after the diner had closed the evening before. He had noticed a strange shaved head boy eating in the back but didn't have the foresight to ask Benny about him.

Magnus didn't know what was going on In Hawkins but he needed to find out for his kids sake.

Rory spent the day at school in a daze. Robyn could barely get a word out of her best friend. Rory felt like her head was encased in jello, something was wrong.

Marcus could not believe he was helping hide a strange girl they found in the woods in Mike's basement. Not only that but he was keeping that secret from his sister. Technically he'd not actually promised to tell her anything but something was napping at him to tell her everything. Including this girl's weird telekinetic Jean Grey like powers.

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