Oh Buckley

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(Honestly I do not know what to write)

Nancy's POV:
I wake up to the sound of my Alarm clock going off.
I get up quickly to get ready after that I go brush my teeth then go downstairs seeing my mom, holly, and Mike
"Are you gonna eat?" My mom asks while everyone is looking at me.
"No I have to be there early to turn in this project" I say back to my mom as im walking out the door.

I walk to my car knowing that I had no project I just can't stay in that house anymore holly is the only good one there
Mike is a complete asshole also same with my parents

I start driving to school thinking of Steve after me and Jonathan broke up because of distance Steve has been trying to get with me.

There's something about guys that I haven't been able to get.

My mind wonders until it lands on Steve's best friend the girl who's with him everyday I mean they do everything together Drives her to school works with her they literally do everything together.

Now that I think about it she's kinda pretty though so is her name Robin
I love her freckles that fit perfectly on her face
Her face when she's weirded out or disgusted
How I hear her rambling to Steve all the time In family video.

Robins voice is kinda raspy and cute I love it
Wait wtf why am I thinking like this that's not normal right?
I pull into the school driveway and get out.

I see Steve and Robin by the car as Steve waves me over so I walk over there looking at Robin the whole time like the world has stopped she makes me feel something I've never felt before i can see her face starting to get red while she looks away and I look at Steve.

"Hey Nancy" Steve says
"Hey Nance" Robin says
"Hey Rob... hey Steve" I say replying back to the both of them
"Why'd it take you so long to say hey back to me is it some kind of girl thing did you guys hang out without me" Steve says confused
"Shut up dingus" Robin says smacking him in the head.

I start to giggle as I hear Robin nervously laughed quietly with her face being red like super red.

Steve looks at me then looks at Robin then repeats it over and over again
"Ohhh" Steve quietly says
"Omg just shut up Steve before I make you shut up and I promise you're not gonna like that" Robin starts rambling on and honestly I find it kind of cute how she does that I used to be annoyed of it but now I just find it comforting.

Me and Robin don't hang out much only around Steve when he invites us both to go do stuff but whenever we are around each other I can notice everything about her.

The way Robins blue eyes shine in the sun
The way I can count every freckle on her face
The way she rambles so much
The way she gently guides her hand on stuff
Her rings
Her hands in general they look so soft and delicate
Her smile
The way she rolls her eyes a lot and makes fun of Steve.

Robins POV:
Nancy fucking wheeler why the hell am I in love with Nancy wheeler she's literally a wheeler how could I be so dumb their whole family is straight
I think she knows though the way she's looking at me just tells me she's on to me not only liking girls but being madly in love with her.

God I'm so dumb she obviously likes Steve back and not me also what about Steve that's his ex that he clearly still likes I'm just dumb.

I snap myself into reality seeing steve snap his fingers in front of me I smack his hand away
"Owww Robin stop abusing me" I grin at him when he says that
"When you stop being a dingus I will"
Nancy smiles and says that she has to go to class as she walks away.
So I go in the school building as well to get to class.

I go to every class until my last period which is with no other than Nancy fucking Wheeler I look at her and I feel like I'm drawn to her.

How do I describe Nancy wheeler
Her blue eyes are lighter than mine
Her soft smile
Her focusing face
Her curly hair
Her soft gentle hands.

Omg stop
I hit myself in the head
Then I see Nancy looking at me.

"Is there something going on between you and Buckley miss Wheeler" the teacher says
And I hear Nancy reply with
"No Sir"

We finish up class and I start to walk out the door until I feel someone tap my arm
It was a shorter girl for sure so I turn around and I see Nancy

"Hey Robin do you need a ride to work I know you got Steve but I thought I could get to know you better"
I smile softly and happily say yes.

We start walking to the car and I get in
"Thank you Steve had to go into work anyways so I was just gonna walk but that wouldn't of been a problem so you really don't have to do this and waste your time" I say to Nancy rambling
This is such a dumb idea why the hell am I doing this.

"I wanna get a movie anyways so it's no problem and we're friends aren't we" She replied back
"Yup" I say popping the p
I sound like the dingus
"Maybe you can help me pick out the movie and we can watch it together later we don't have school tomorrow so call it a sleep over if you can"
My face becomes red and I look down it's a good thing she's driving.

"Yeah of course" why did i say that damnit
"Okay then it's a date" Nancy replies
My face becomes really hot
"Mhm" I say quietly

We arrive to the video store
We both get out of the car and walk in.

"Hey dingus" I say when I walk in seeing Steve check out a customer
I see them leave so I walk up to him While Nancy walks off to go get a movie
"Hey Robin I thought you were walking" Steve says I look at him
"I got a ride from your gf" I say
"I think she's actually your gf" Steve says and I start to get nervous
"Shut up" i say.

"I found two!" I hear Nancy says as she walks up to us
"A horror movie and a romance movie how exciting" I say checking her out
"Yeah I wanted it to be a mix so two movies it is" she says with a smile I feel like screaming right now
"Welp I'll see you after work here" I say in a hurry giving the movies to Nancy

"Bye Nancy" Steve says with a smirk
I hit his arm behind the counter so Nancy doesn't see.

I watch as Nancy walks out
"You like her don't you" Steve says devilishly
"Don't start" I say.

(Idk what to write next chapter help)

Writer nerd & band nerd<3 (Ronance) Where stories live. Discover now