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(Tbh I have nothing else to do with my life)

Nancy's POV:
After that kiss me and Robin just sit there on my bed awkwardly.

"So" Robins breaks the silence
"Soo" I say
"We can just forget that ever happened" Robin says putting her face in her lap
"Maybe" I say while I look away from her

"Nancy I'm sorry I'll just leave" Robin says
"No it's late just stay" robin looks at me and I look back.
"Okay Where can I sleep then" Robin asks
"On the bed with me just stay on your side and I'll stay on mine" i say replying to her question

We both get on separate sides of the bed and I turn the lamp off
It was quiet until A girl broke the silence
"Look I'm sorry if I'm a bad kisser I've never kissed anyone before and I mean I did warn you that but I'm really sorry if that's the reason it's so awkward right now so I can just leave I'll just ride my bike H-"
"Robin!" I say cutting Her off
"Oh sorry" she says

I turn over so I'm facing Robin I can kinda make out the shape of her face but it's to dark to see that my face is probably bursting red
The girl I used to think of all day and night that I lost sleep over was at my house rambling about being a bad kisser when in reality it was the best kiss I've ever had.

"It's not that you're a bad kisser it's that we're both two girls" the last part I whisper but she still heard
"Oh" Robin says it sounds like a upset tone

I turn back over and start to fall asleep until I hear rustling.

I sit up and turn the lamp on.
"Robin what the hell are you doing" I say
"I'm sorry that I'm just not normal but I feel like I'm not welcome" she says
"Robin it's not like that" I say getting up and stopping her.

"It's that I'm not like that well I don't think I am this is way too much for me" I add on looking down
"I think it's still better for me to leave I'm sorry nance but I deserve better than this I usually wouldn't say that because I don't think that most of the time but I've been so nice to you and you just lead me on kissing me like it was nothing well I'm done" I'm shocked after she says that

Robin just walks out the door I can't chase her I just can't it's way too much for me right now.

I lay on my bed thinking about what just went down it was an asshole move but I don't understand how I can feel this way for a girl
I've been with only guys and they've made me happy I've just never felt anything this way
I mean those guys made me feel okay but not as comfortable do I still like guys?

I think until I hear thunder outside so I quickly grab my coat and walk out the front door.

Robin's POV:
I'm riding my bike in the rain
Also what an asshole Nancy was I should've known that was gonna happen Nancy fucking wheeler I hate her so much.... But I love her so much and that's what I hate.

I'm using my Jean jacket to put over my head and it's semi working but it would never work for the tears that are forming in my eyes.

I see a car drive slowly by me
"Get in the Fucking car Buckley it's raining" I hear a familiar voice
Of course it was Nancy wheeler.

"Why should I? I mean is there really a reason to" I say
"just let me drive you home" she says back
"As long as you are quiet the whole time" I say
"I was a complete douchebag so I owe you that" she says
I start to smile softly but she can't see me so I stop my bike and she stops the car.

I see Nancy get out of the car and hugs me
"Thank god you're safe" she says
"Yeah whatever" I say pulling myself out of the hug smiling to where she can't see me.

Nancy looks upset while I walk away putting my bike in the back of her car
"Shit Robin you're gonna get mud everywhere" she says
"So what" I say getting in the passenger seat

"Look Robin" Nancy says quietly
I look out the window it feels like I'm about to break down but I can't definitely not in front of Nancy
"Why" I say
"Why what?" She questions
"Why are you driving me home" I answer
"Because we're friends" she says grabbing my hand
"Don't you need both hands to drive" I say I feel like shit right now

"I'm an excellent driver so no!" She says
I just smile she's so cute
"Hey Wheeler can you take a right driving up that hill" I say
"Sure but why?" She asks
"You'll see" I say.

She drives up the hill and ends up reaching to where I want to go

"Get out of the car I wanna show you something" I say
"Okay" she replied back.

We end up walking another 10 minutes until we finally reach where we actually need to go.

"What is this?" Nancy questions
"An old abandoned shack" I say replying to her question
"I come here whenever I need to relax" I add on
"It has a nice view" she says
She looks at me and I look back.
We're both soaking wet but we don't care.

She grabs my hand She smiles and so do I
"It's late come on" she says.

We walk back to the car and she drives me home.

"Thank you Nance" I say getting out
I start walking up to my house until I feel someone grab my wrist and make me turn facing them. Her.

Nancy wheeler hugged me
I hug her back
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she keeps saying sorry.

I hug her tighter 
"You have nothing to be sorry for" I say I feel like I'm about to break down again
We stay in that hug for what feels like forever and then she just drives away.

I unlock the door and close it quickly as I put my back up to the door while I slide down into my own puddle of rain.

I put my face into my hands and there it was me breaking down.

(I promise it gets better from here.

Writer nerd & band nerd<3 (Ronance) Where stories live. Discover now