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(A week later)
Nancy's POV:
Robin has been ignoring me for a week so here I am driving to family video after school because I'm hopelessly in love with this girl but I'll never let her know that and that's the problem.

I arrive but I can't bring myself to get out of the car because what if Steve knows about the whole situation that would suck.
I put my back up against the seat leaning it while I put my hands on my face covering my eyes as my mind ponders to that night.

The kiss, the words that we both said, the comfort of the hug, how I literally broke down as soon as I got to my house.

I mind wonders until I hear a faint knock on the door as it brings me out of my trance.

I put my seat back up and I roll down the window hoping that I would see anyone but Robin when I look up but there she was with her short wavy hair with bangs and her work clothes.

"Hey" I say
"Hey" she says back looking at the ground
"Returning the movies?" She adds on questioning
"Uhhh yeah!" I reply back nervously I'm never this nervous
"Alright well then you can just give them to m-"
Robin gets cut off
"Actually that's not the only thing do you have a minute like can you get in the car for a minute" I ask after cutting her off
I'm a jerk.

"Uhh yeah, yeah, well I think I do Steve can hold up in there just for a little bit" she says in a nervous tone I can tell I've been observing Robin ever since we were both 15.

Robin gets in the passenger as I close the window.

"Soo" she says patting her lap
"I'm sorry" I say
"For what" Robin asks
"For that night" I reply to her question

"Oh" she faintly says
"I was such an asshole" I say looking at my feet tapping
"Nancy..." she says quietly
"Yeah" I question looking at her
"Thank you" she says but I just have a confused look
what is she going on about?
"For what" I ask
And then Robin just gets out the car without saying anything just nothing she just leaves

I go back into the position I had before Robin interrupted me but I start to feel tears and before I know it there it was the tears coming down to where I can't stop it.

I hear another faint knock on the door at the passenger seat hoping this time it's Robin again so I look up quickly and to my surprise it's Steve.
He opens the door then He jumps into the passenger seat.

"What?" I question
"So I assume you have something to do with how Robin has been acting?" he asks
"How'd you know" I say laughing sarcastically
He smiles but I start tearing up again and then to my surprise he grabs my shoulder as he pulls me into a hug

"Give it sometime it's not your fault she'll come around eventually" he says comforting.

Robins POV:
I'm watching Steve and Nancy hug from the window and it hurts so much.

Steve walks back into the store as I'm putting movies up
"Hey Robin how are you" he asks smiling
"Shut the fuck up" I say rolling my eyes
"Are you okay?" he questions in a tone full of worry
"Are you okay" I say in a mocking tone
"Sorry" I add on
"seriously what's wrong Robin" he says

"Me and Nancy kissed but it turned into this big thing so I just don't know what to do" I say after making sure there were not costumers

"Well then go to her house" he says I look up at him surprised by what he said
"What?" I ask knowing what he said but still shocked
"Just do it Robin" he says
I smile slightly and ask him a question
"Can you hold up the place for the rest of the day?" He places a hand on my shoulder
"Yes now gooo" he says rolling his eyes playfully.

I leave the store getting on my bike and ridding off to Nancy's house.

I get to Nancy's house but when I get to the door I can't knock it's like something inside me so I do it anyways and to my surprise it wasn't Nancy who opened the door but Karen her mom.

"Oh I'm sorry Is Nancy home?" I ask
"Yes she's in her room come in come in" she replies
"Okay" I say
I walk into her house going upstairs and finally reaching her room.
Nancy fucking wheeler.

I knock on the door to someone asking who it is
"Uhh it's me Robin" I say as Nancy opens the door
"Hey" I say looking down
"Hi" she says back
"How are you" I ask looking back up at her
"Could be better" she replies
"Oh" I say back.

"Come in" she says as I walk inside her room.
I sit down on her bed while I fidget with my hands and look at the floor.

Nancy sits on the bed next to me
"You know this doesn't mean we cant still be friends or..." she says
"Or...?" I question
"Never mind" she replies
I look at her and then slowly start to look at her lips while she does the same thing.

(Should they kiss?)

Writer nerd & band nerd<3 (Ronance) Where stories live. Discover now