The Final Battle

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I resolved to go find Ciruss after that. I fixed up my bandages and packed the rest of my things but left behind anything I felt I wouldn't need. It was mostly things that could slow me down, like my sleeping bag and the raft. I didn't plan on being here when the water rose in the morning.

I didn't have a lot of food still with me, but it would be enough to manage. All I really had to do now was get going. Luckily the water was just beginning to sink, and it looked safe enough to float down.

On the dried floor of the arena, I wondered where to go next. Yesterday was a lot of wandering, trying to figure where everyone was. I doubted Ciruss would be in the same spot I left him. He was too smart for that. That meant it was about time to get walking.

It felt like I had already been wandering for hours, and yet there was still no sign of Ciruss. How big could this arena be? Was it possible we were heading in opposite directions, each trying to find one another.

That was no doubt boring to watch.

Without thinking, I stepped over a puddle forming in a crevasse of the arena. Before I knew it, more and more water seemed to be appearing out of nowhere. In fact, it was getting higher and higher the farther I went. When I glanced behind me, that was when it hit me.

The arena was filling up again.

In a panic, I secured my items and got ready to swim up with the water. This made no sense. It was still pitch black out, probably the middle of the night. The fires hadn't even gone out yet. What were the Gamemakers trying to do here?

The waves felt much more aggressive than the last time I had swam up. Did I just have a foggy memory of it? No, no, this was definitely more violent. Each wave threatened to pull me under, weighing me down. With a broken rib, it wasn't easy to breath, either.

I kept checking the pillars around me, wondering when the water was going to stop. It hit the usual point, but the water kept pouring in. I kept struggling to swim.

Finally it stopped, less than half a foot above the pillars. I let myself float a moment in the waves. They continued to thrash, but they were much less violent now. I could distinctively feel myself being pulled inwards, like it was high tide. I was very far from my original point.

This all seemed to be some sort of scheme on behalf of the Gamemakers. I wouldn't be surprised if I ran into Ciruss very soon.

As I remained in the water, pondering how I could use this new element to my advantage, I noticed the fires were gradually decreasing. Except, not all of them. Seemingly random pillars were now out, while others were as hot as ever. I looked at them all, trying to find a pattern. As far as I could see, there wasn't one.

I had to paddle even farther along their wavy path to get to a safe pillar. The fire felt so close when I was up on its level. Very hot, even though I was soaking wet. My bandages were falling off, and water managed to get into all of my open wounds. I seemed to be in even less of a position to fight than before.

Where oh where was Ciruss? There was no way he made it out of that without some difficulty. The way the water moved, it was clear the waves were pushing towards one location.

I realized the only way to find Ciruss was to follow its path. It was the only clear indication I had of where he was or where he would end up. Going against most of my better judgment, I returned to the water, swimming away from fiery pillars and stopping on safe ones when my ribs hurt too badly to continue.

I swam forward, but the only time I made any realized progress was when the waves, instead of pushing me in one direction, juggled me back and forth in front of one pillar.

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