Morning dew( Chapter 8)

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Hey!!! It the author! I have no idea what to say here so just imagen i put something really inspiring and amazing. Anywho enjoy the story!

" Atsumu" The gentle voice roused Atsumu from his dreams, and he rolled over onto his side, groaning in protest. " Atsumu, hey wake up."
" Hmmmm" Atsumu hummed, covering his head with his pillow. " Go away Samu" He mumbled, sleep still threatening to take over. " Five more minuuutes"
" Samu?" The gentle voice said, now sounding slightly confused. "Who's Samu?"
Atsumu's eye's flicked open, and he was met with the concerned face of Sakusa. Blinking he sat up, looking around in confusion. " What?" He asked, his voice sounding stupid even to his own ears. " What's going on?"
Sakusa's handsome brows furrowed and he leaned a bit closer. " You just said Samu." He said. " Did you remember something?"
" Samu?" Atsumu said groggily rubbing at his eyes and sitting up. His head began to hurt as he rolled the name over and over in his thoughts, until eventually the hazey outline of a person came into his memory. A burst of pain shot through his head and he doubled over, the image disappearing as quickly as it came.
Quivering, Atsumu felt tears form in his eyes and he brushed them away, sniffling softly. Seconds later he felt a gentle pair of hands on his back, and Sakusa's comforting yet worried voice drifted into his ears. " What's Atsu" He asked, rubbing small circles on the smaller boys back. " What happened?"
Atsumu didn't answer, instead leaning into Sakusa and trying to calm the aching pain that had settled down over his head. Was he getting his memory back? Or was it just his imagination? Why had everything seemed so clear in the moments before he fully woke up, only to disappear again second after? Maybe he was going crazy. That is if he hadn't already.
After several minutes of silence, only broken by the soft sound of Sakusa's breath and Atsumu's occasional sniffle, the golden haired boy sat up, wiping away any remaining tears in his eyes. For now he was going to pretend nothing had happened. He didn't want to worry Sakusa. After all, the young prince had already done so much for him, it would be wrong to burden him with this as well.
" I'm sorry" Atsumu said, trying to keep his voice from shaking. " I just suddenly got a really bad headache. Its gone now."
     " Do you need to see the doctor" He asked, brushing some of Atsumu's honey-colored locks out of his face.    
     Shaking his head no, Atsumu lightly pushed Sakusa back so he could get down off the bed. " I'm alright now." He said. " It just lasted for a second. I-i'm going to get changed....s-so could you maybe" He gestured nervously at the door.
      Sakusa's face flushed red and he backed out of the room. "S-sorry". The door closed with a gentle thud, and Atsumu walked over to one of the three large windows in his room, pulling back the royal blue curtains. Placing his forehead against the glass he took in several deep shuddered breaths, wishing he could remember.
        He stayed like that for several minutes, until the loud twittering of a bird drew him out of his thought. Looking up he saw that it was a small bluebird bringing food to her babies. The chicks heads bobbed up exitedly as she gave them there food.
           Smiling slightly Atsumu carefully opened the window and leaned out to watch the birds more closely. The nest was on one of the top branches of the tree, anybody looking up from the ground wouldn't have been able to see them, but from Atsumu's place on the second floor he could make them out clearly.
     Maybe he shouldn't have kicked Sakusa out, he would have liked for the taller boy to see the birds as well.
      The thought of the young prince made Atsumu's face warm, and he was suddenly reminded of their first meeting. When Sakusa had called him an angel. It had only been a couple of days, but for some reason it already felt as if several months had passed since then. He felt like he already knew Sakusa quiet well, but perhaps that was a result of the empty places in his brain. Places were memories were supposed to be.
        These feelings were nothing more then empty attachments because he had no memory of what he used to cling to. Still, even though his brain recognized this fact, his heart refused to stop racing. What exactly was this feeling.
     As Atsumu muled over his feelings in his head, a small drop of water became to heavy for the leaf it had chosen to rest on, forcing it to fall off and plumet towards the ground. The small droplet of morning dew landed on Atsumu's nose, making his jump. He would figure out his feelings for Sakusa later, for now all that mattered was getting his memory back and remembering the person that now haunted his dreams.
Authors note: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've been quiet busy as I just joined my schools colorgaurd and am practicing for our upcoming parade. Knowing my luck i'll probably trip over my own feet and do a faceplant in the middle of the road, but apparently its good experience. Anyways no need for me to ramble on anymore. Hope you enjoyed the story and I'll try and update again soon.

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