Your Alive (Chapter 14)

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( Hello, I decided to take a small break for Christmas, but i'm back now with another chapter of my story. Hope you enjoy)

It was raining, but Atsumu didn't really notice. All he could see was the small wooden door that seemed a lot bigger then it actually was. For some reason he was shaking, and he couldn't force himself to stop. What if Osamu got angry? Or worse yet, what if he cried and hugged him? Atsumu never knew what to do when his brother cried, it had always made him feel hopeless and lost.
"It's alright Atsumu." Sakusa's gentle voice rang in his ears, and he turned slightly to give the taller boy a greatful smile. Atsumu was glad he had come. Somehow Sakusa's presence was calming and made him feel safe.
Taking another deep breath Atsumu lifted his hand, preparing to knock on the door. Just as his fist was about the hard wood, the door was suddenly opened. A short young man with brown hair and tired looking eyes took a step out, mumbling under his breath. The mumbling stopped the second his eyes locked with Atsumu, and the coat that he carefully drapped over his arm fell in the mud. "A-atsumu." The young man chocked out, his eyes wide with disbelief.
"Hey Suna." Atsumu said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head nervously as he looked at his brothers boyfriend. "How have you been."
For a moment Suna stood frozen, before taking a step back and yelling into the door. "OSAMU, COME OUT HERE..RIGHT NOW."
There was the sound of footsteps from inside the house and then a loud bang that was followed by the sound of something breaking. "OW, SON OF A-" Osamu trailed off as soon as he stepped outside. His eyes traveled first to Sakusa, then to the few guards that were standing several paced behind, and finally they fell on Atsumu, who did his best to smile.
"Hello Osamu." Atsumu said, looking his brother up and down. His light greyish blue eyes had bags under them and were wide with shock. His dyed gray hair was messy, and his skin was pale. He looked as if he hadn'g slept in weeks, and Atsumu felt a small tug of regret on his stomach. His brother must have been very worried about him. "I-"
Arms wrapped around Atsumu and his words were lost in his throat, as he was enveloped in a warm hug. They stood like that for a long time, as the rain continued to fall from the sky.
    When Osamu pulled away again Atsumu felt his heart lift at the huge grin on his face. " Your alive." Osamu said, his hands on Atsumu's shoulders as if he was afraid to let him go. "I knew you were. I knew it all along. I didn't stop looking for you. I put signs up everywhere and asked anyone that passed through if they knew where you were."
Atsumu smiled. "Thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me." Pulling gently out of his brothers grip he grabbed Sakusa's hand, leading him gently forward. " I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Sakusa. He found me in the forest and saved me. I owe my life to him."
Osamu's eyes somehow got even wider at the sight of Sakusa, and he dropped into a clumsey sort of bow, which Suna, who had been standing awkwardly in the doorway, quickly mimicked. "Oh no" Sakusa said holding up his hands. " Please don't bow to me. There really is no need." Atsumu couldn't help but grin at how embarrassed he sounded.
"Thank you for saving my brothers life." Osamu said, bowing even lower still before finally standing again. " Would you like to come inside. I can make some tea, and we have some onigiri if your hungry."
Sakusa nodded slightly, Atsumu couldn't read his expression but he took note of the way the tallest grip tightened on his hand. They slowly made there way inside, where Suna guided them to a comfortable looking couch and told them to sit down. Osamu disappeared into another room for several moments before stumbling back in a with a tray of onigiri, which he set on the table with trembling hands. "Make yourself comfortable." He said to Sakusa. " I'll be right back i just have to put on the tea."
Suna reached over and stopped him, shoving him down into a large cushioned arm chair. "I'll make the Tea." He said, in a calming voice. "You and your brother have a lot of catching up to do. And I'm sure you all want to exchange stories." He smiled lovingly at Osamu running his pale hands through his boyfriends gray hair, before turning and making his way into the kitchen.
For several seconds there was silence, and Atsumu felt Sakusa's grip on his hand get even tighter still. Osamu leaned forward slightly, looking between Sakusa and Atsumu. " When did his majesty find you?"
"The day we got separated. The day those men tried to take us away." Atsumu replied, struggling to keep himself from leaning into Sakusa for support. Right now he needed to use his own strength. He was talking to his brother after all.
Osamu nodded, looking down at the floor, as if he was struggling to form a thought. After several long minutes he looked up again, meeting Atsumu's gaze. "If he saved you...the day of the incident. T-then," He took a deep breath in. "Why didn't you try to find me sooner?"

( Hey guys. Happy New Year everyone. I hope that this year will be a good one for all of you. Thank you for reading my story. It means so much to me. Hope you enjoyed. ❤)

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