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Name: Denok Fe' Reaper (Your [Twin] Brother):

Gender: Male

Appearance: Light brown uges (like everyone else), light blue baggyish pants (baggy at top, tight at bottom), white skin-tight long sleeved shirt (you can see his muscles because of how tight this shirt is), a blue flap around his waist over his front and back

Skin tone: (your skin tone)

Eyes: Left eye is red (only in merform) and right is gray; otherwise it's just gray

Hair color: Blue with blonde tips (or Blue with your hair color tips)


-Very loose and open with others
-Spokes person (especially for his sister [you])
-Friendly/kind, caring, social
-Very strong, yet gentle expert/pro waterbender and fighter
-Handsome and tall
-Honest, brave, loyal, hard-working, responsible-ish, considerate, and sometimes a serious leader
-Popular, smart-ish, cheerful, SOMETIMES quiet


-Son (father)
-Denny (Verrick)
-Den Den (Katara)
-Den (Asami)
-Lil bro (Bolin, Mako)
-Buddy (Korra)
-Brother (Sister)
-Denok (everyone)
-Father/dad (his son😏😁)

Age: 16+ (gets older throughout the story)

Status: Alive, Deceased, Resurrected

Race: Merman, human

Ethnicity: English, Russian, Japanese, Native American (and/or whatever you speak)

Height: 5'6" (or your height)

Occupation: Former generals son, council member, fighter/solider, idol/singer


-Raven/you (Twin sister)
-Father (unkown)
-Bolin and Mako (Older adoptive brothers)
-Mother (deceased)
-Misha (His son)

Hobbies: cooking, penguin sledding

Favorite food: anything (especially waffles)


(This will be the readers appearance, if you don't like this style or anything here, just change it to how you like it; also a lot of your appearance will be held in the next few chapters in Desnas POV)

Name: Raven Shinigami Reaper (or y/n)

Gender: Female (or Male/other)

(Apperence will be in Desna POV next chapter)

Skin tone: LITERALLY MATCHES THE SNOW (if you have different skin tone IT IS OK, you are MORE than welcome to switch some things around if you want, just didn't want you to think I'm picking favorites, I'M NOT)

Hair color: Dirty Blonde, with blue tips (or y/h/c w/blue tips)

Eye color: Gray (or y/e/c); (LEFT EYE ONLY changes red when you're in merform, BOTH EYES ONLY change Red when vampire part is hungry, angry, or activated, both only change purple when in/changing into your dragon form

Also known as:
-Daughter (father)
-Sister (brother)
-Shin (half of m/n)(or half of y/m/n), (Korra)
-Emo chick (Verrick/Lin)
-The scary lady (Verrick)
-Rose (Tonraq/Unalaq)
-Lil sis (Bolin, Mako)
-Panda-Lily/Lily (Desna)
-Auntie/Auntie Raven/Aunt Raven (your nephew[Misha])

Age: 16+ (gets older throughout the story)

Status: Alive, Deceased, Resurrected

Race: Mermaid, Vampire, Dragon, human

Ethnicity: English, Russian, Japanese, Native American (or your language)

Height: 5'2" (or y/h) [your only shorter than your brother because he's a guy, sorry]

Occupation: Former generals daughter, council member, fighter/solider, idol/singer


-Denok (twin brother)
-Bolin and Mako (Older adoptive brothers)
-Father (unknown)
-Mother (Deceased)
-Misha (Nephew)

-Listening to\making music
(Or your hobbies)

Favorite food: Soft frosted sugar cookies (or y/f/f)

-Stiff, solitary
-Doesn't like to talk, unless around people she KNOWS and is COMFORTABLE with
-Hostile, uncaring at points
-Unsociable, dull-ish, isolated, Keen, quiet, depressed, simple, creative, dark, serious, shy, kinda introspective, VERY VERY stubborn
-Strong, violent, unmerciful, expert/pro waterbender
-Intelligent, strong fighter
-Honest, courageous, loyal, hard-working, responsible leader
-Popular-ish, smart, gloomy, never energetic

(Or your personality)

Desna x 1/2 mermaid/Vampire/Dragon, Waterbender OC readerWhere stories live. Discover now