Saving Snowball

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Snowball didn't really like being by herself when Drake, and Gosyaln went out to fight crime at night.But they assured her that she was safe, and they were safe.This was something they had to reassure her every night.

"It's alright,Snowball."said Drake. 'We have the Ring System all set up."
"And Alexa will tell you where there's motion." added Gosyaln.
"But,you'll be far away."said Snowball.
"We downloaded the app on our phones."said Drake as he, and Gosyaln took out their respective phones.
"Okay."said Snowball.

While they reassured Snowball that she was safe, they never reassured her that they would be safe,which was why she was in the living room.
The memory of her parents' untimely deaths, and the knowledge that Drake, and Gosyaln were facing dangerous foes kept her in the living room.Just waiting for the police to arrive to tell her about their demise.
"Motion in the backyard." said Alexa.
Snowball wondered what she should do.The last time she was all alone, and did what Darkwing did, she was face to face with a serial killer, and the only thing that saved her was the child safety locks on the doors.But she couldn't just stay on the couch.
'Maybe it's just a raccoon,or a stray cat.' thought Snowball.
Suddenly the back door began to rattle.
'Raccoons, and stray cats don't rattle doors!' thought Snowball.
But what can she do?Perhaps hide? That seemed logical.But where?
The back door suddenly opened.Snowball stood up.The only place she could think of was behind the couch.But before she could even move,a puff of red smoke appeared that spread throughout the house.
"I am the screeching fingernails of the chalkboard of justice." said a familiar voice.
"I am the sour ball in the candy jar of goodness.!"
"Negaduck!"said Snowball in a panicky voice.
Negaduck was Darkwing's worst enemy!What could he be doing here?!Of all places?!
Snowball got her answer the moment Negaduck opened his mouth.
"Here,doggy,doggy,doggy.Jimmy's got a doggy treat."said Negaduck in a sing-song voice.
Even through the red smoke,Snowball could see him entering the living room.Snowball sneaked as quietly as she could to hide behind the couch.She knew she had to get to her room.But the question was,how?
"Oh,come on. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to use you.You're a dog,you should understand that."said Negaduck as he entered the living room.
Thankfully Snowball was already behind the couch.Well,as behind the couch as she could be.Now all Snowball had to do is figure out how to get to her room without Negaduck noticing her.
"I know you're here. I can smell your doggy amora"
'Well,that's creepy.' thought Snowball.
"You want to do this the hard way?Fine.I'll play.More fun for me!"said Negaduck,emphasizing on the word 'me' as that was when he took out his chainsaw, and began slashing the furniture in the living room in multiple pieces with it.
Snowball was a lot of things, but she wasn't an idiot, and she knew a golden opportunity when she saw it.And Negaduck slashing the living room furniture into multiple pieces was definitely a golden opportunity.
Unfortunately,Negaduck saw her run from behind the couch, and use the kitchen as a shortcut to get to her bedroom.
"So you were in this room the whole time?"said Negaduck in a happy voice. "And,you think that hiding upstairs will save you?How cute."
Snowball didn't say anything.Negaduck was right.She was defenseless in her room.Nothing could save her.
Well,almost nothing.
Although Snowball's bedroom door was closed,she noticed that purple smoke filled the house.
"I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the fan ship that drives you insane! Duck!" came a familiar voice.
'Darkwing!' thought Snowball.
"Darkwing!" said Negaduck in obvious anger.
Snowball heard Negaduck's chainsaw start up again.
"This time I will kill you!"screamed Negaduck.
The door of Snowball's bedroom door opened.Snowball grabbed her pillow for a cover.Why she didn't know,it wouldn't do any good.Thankfully,she didn't need it.
The person who opened her door was Gosyaln.
"Shhh.''whispered Gosyaln,grabbing Snowball's hand. "Darkwing's keeping care of Negaduck."
"Where are we going?"asked Snowball as Gosyaln led her out of her room.
"Into the attic."
"We have an attic?"
Gosyaln didn't say anything as she led Snowball to the hallway.Snowball could hear Darkwing, and Negaduck fighting on the stairs,which was rather impressive.
It wasn't until Gosyaln, and Snowball were in the attic when Snowball asked Gosyaln why it took her, and Darkwing so long to get home to save her from Negaduck.
"We were dealing with Negaduck's henchmen.They're-almost-as dangerous as him.Looking back at it now,we should have known that Negaduck's goons were a distraction.Why was he after you anyway?"asked Gosyaln.
"I don't know.All he said was that he was going to use me.But I don't know what for."said Snowball.
"My guess is that he was going to use you to get to us."
This wasn't reassuring to Snowball,especially since Negaduck set his henchmen after Darkwing, and Gosyaln.
Suddenly the door to the attic opened.It was Drake out of his Darkwing Duck outfit.
"Negaduck's gone.He's in police custody.He kept telling them my secret identity as revenge.They didn't believe him."said Drake,leading his daughters out.
"I'm sorry for the mess Negaduck made."said Snowball when they entered the living room.It was a lot worse than she imagined.
"No,it's our fault.We should have been more careful with you."said Drake. "We left you here all by yourself.Starting tomorrow we're going to find a way to fix that."
"Why not tonight?"asked Snowball.She hoped she didn't sound ungrateful,because she wasn't.Snowball was just wondering.
"Because it's almost midnight."
That made sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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