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5:00 am every hunter/huntress has woken up in the city of Zariya...

They wake up and train for future events. While when it hits 5:00 am in Alythea the mythological creatures go into hiding. And when I say hiding, I mean hidden and no where to be found. And no amount of electronics the hunters have will find them during this time as they hide out during the day and only come out during the night which is why it's so risky for Hunters to bring them back as the dark only works for the creatures advantage as most have night vision.. But hunters have come prepared through the years with their night vision goggles- but will that be enough? will it actually help or fail your ability to come back home?

5:00 am hits in the city of Ellisora...

some mundanes wake up and get ready for work awhile most get to either wait an hour or two to wake up. The rest get to sleep in and enjoy their peaceful and humble day.. These worlds aren't all aware of each as most don't think the other actually exist... then on the other hand some pretend like the worlds don't exist and turn a blind eye to what they have have seen before. It's complicated, as some do have family in each of these places which makes it hard with traveling as everything is watched. Everywhere you go or step you are watched like a Hawk which makes it impossible for crime to happen.

6:00 am a huge sound wave hits all locations making all the tracking devices shut down or self destruct... what will happen now? how will they track people down? or know when something is coming?



An alert goes off in the hunters towers as you hear footsteps running down the hall of the main building... "You can't run forever little girl.." the man shouted as the girl ran as fast as she could.. she reached the exit door out and ran straight towards the force field. The other hunters watched as she ran towards it as they knew exactly what would happen if she ran through it... she would perish, disintegrate, or turn into ash. But This time it was different, she ran right through it and nothing happened it was like she was invincible to the force field. Every hunter who was around were dumbfounded as nothing like this has happen before.

The force field began to slowly turn red "Alert! Alert! Danger is near!" the speakers blurted out

This wasn't the first time that something like this has happened, and Henry swore that it wouldn't happen ever happen again. But it has... He promised himself, that the next time someone escapes, He will kill that one himself. Stab them, choke them, tackle them. Just whatever it takes to get that creature out of the game. Yes, a game. That's how Henry sees the hunt... as a little game.

After the escape of the mythological creature Henry went back inside, waiting for the hunter to come back inside. As soon as he entered again, Henry grabbed him by his collar and pressed him Gainst the wall, lifting him above the ground.

"Do you realize how many hours of work you just wasted?! It was your job to take care of her"

He pulled him closer to himself and with a force hit him against the wall again.


This whole thing slowly started to get on his nerves. They were supposed to bring results, but instead, they are just wasting time and precious money. Of course Henry was aggravated. Another failed trial... and they were doing so good.

"Henry that is enough.." the head hunter spoke "It wasn't his fault that the creature escaped. She somehow got her powers to active even with all the devices we have to keep their powers on hold.. That girl should be our main priority right now, not this hunter. He shall be dealt with later."

Henry looked at the hunter then back at the other male "But Christopher?" He grunted out then paused as Christopher gave him a stern cold look "Fine.." Henry released the boy "Run along." he said then watched as the boy walked away in a rush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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