Engagement Party

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Now back in Glurfsburg, Guy, Sam, E.B., and Michellee were just about ready to take the longest break of their lives, knowing that Mr. Jenkins was on his way back home and as far away from Snerz as possible. In fact, they all were.

When all was said and done, Gluntz gave them a lift back to Glufsburg from Meepville in a cold air balloon (and a very silent car ride for the final stretch) and afterwards, she pretty much became a good friend to the quartet. Sam told the rest that he was ready to put his animal smuggling days in the past and leave it at that and Michellee stated that she was going to get back into her painting craze, which delighted her daughter and boyfriend.

Speaking of which, over the next two years, Guy and Michellee got to know each other even more. Guy got to know her surname Weebie, for example, and Michellee got to see his new plans for making an entire factory for his inventions in town. And all of this was just the tip of the iceberg for these two. Every couple weeks or so, they'd go on dates and just enjoy each other's company. And the best part? After the adventure with Mr. Jenkins, while still exercising caution, the two became more willing to try new things.

Then one day in the middle of summer, Guy had a burning question for the love of his life: Will you marry me? Now it wasn't that he couldn't get up the nerve to ask (I mean, come on, let's not tell that kind of story), in fact he did have a whole plan in mind for popping the question. First, he wanted to see what E.B. thought about it...

"You're gonna propose to Mom?", she asked.

"Yes." Guy waited for a response from E.B. After a few seconds, the little girl slowly started smiling and had to contain a scream of excitement, so she did a silent one. "I take it that you're fine with it." He let out a small laugh.

"Fine with it? Guy, I'm ecstatic! How did you plan to ask her?"

"Let's just say, we're going out of town again."
Guy called his family ahead of time to let them know that he was on the way along with some friends. Michellee and E.B., of course, along with Sam and Gluntz, knowing that those two would give the best reactions in the house. After driving to the train station to catch a ride to Stovepipe Junction and booking their rooms on the train, everyone found, except for Guy, that it's so hard to keep their lips sealed. Guy, E.B., and Gluntz were afraid that they'd have to tape Sam's mouth closed.

"Okay, Guy. You're probably trying to mess with me, but you can drop the act now. I want to know why none of you are telling me what's going on", Michellee said at the dinner table that evening.

Sam had tears running down his face from biting his tongue so much. "Oooooh, Guy, just tell her already! I'm gonna burst a blood vessel here!", he exclaimed.

"You too, young lady", Michellee said to her daughter, "Don't tell me you're in on the gag."

"Sorry, Mom. I don't snitch."

Michellee pursed her lips and looked at Guy.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you yet", he said.

"Guy, I just want us to be honest with each other."

"Believe me, I want to be honest too, I just want to surprise you. We just have to wait until we get to Stovepipe to see it."
"Are you sure I can't know now?", Michellee asked as they walked up to the front door.

"Just a few more hours, trust me, honey", Guy said. He knocked on the door. His mother opened it and smiled at her son.

"Welcome home, Guy", she said while hugging him.

"Hi, mom", he said back. Then he leaned closer and whispered, "Is everything ready?"

"Oh, yes. And don't worry, I haven't told everyone the real reason yet. I want them to be surprised too."

Once everyone was in the living room, the introductions began.

"Mom, dad, everyone, you remember Sam-I-Am." As soon as he said that, all of Guy's nephews and nieces gave Sam a group hug.

"Oh, gosh! I keep forgetting how many kids your brothers have!", Sam says. He looked both happy and afraid, like these kids would tear him limb from limb just to have a turn hugging him.

"We stopped by here for a bit with Mr. Jenkins", he told Michellee and E.B. "And you remember Gluntz."

"Hi, Am-I's!", she waved like a celebrity on the red carpet, only with more modesty.

Guy continued. "This is my girlfriend, Michellee Weebie and her daughter Elanabeth."

"But you can just call me E.B.", she said.

Grandpa, Mr. and Mrs. Am-I and Guy's brothers shook hands with the ladies. Guy had a warm feeling growing in his heart and he smiled.

"Welcome to Stovepipe, Michellee and E.B. Would you care for a cupcake?", Mrs. Am-I asked, presenting them on a small platter.

"My wife makes some pretty mean cupcakes", Mr. Am-I said.

"Seriously, you gotta try them", Gluntz said as she was stuffing her face with two of them, one in each hand.

"I'd love to", E.B. said as she took one.

"I'm afraid I'll have to pass", Michellee said. "I can't eat anything with meat or dairy in it; I'm vegan. I'm sorry."

"Oh, no need to apologize, dear", Mrs. Am-I says with a kind smile. "I can make a vegan kind in a jiffy."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Don't mention it." She heads into the kitchen with her husband and gets to baking.

Michellee takes Guy aside and says, "This is it, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?", he asked.

"You wanted to surprise me by meeting your family, didn't you?" She makes a sly smile.

Guy chuckles. "Yeah, you got me. This was it", he says in a sarcastic tone. Well, part of it, at least, he said to himself.

"I love you", Michellee said.

"I love you too", he says back. Then they share a tender kiss.

One of Guy's brothers stands off to the side with a cup of tea and says, "Evening." He winks.

Guy and Michellee shoot him a death glare. He just laughs it off.
Later, everyone gathered in the backyard for a barbecue (there were tofu burgers for Michellee, don't worry) and music. Guy had the pinwheels in his treehouse light up for occasion. E.B. already found it cool that Guy had a still functioning electrically-run treehouse, but even cooler that he built it as a child (and it didn't even blow up). But for a portion of the evening, she, her mom, and Guy conversed with Guy's parents and grandfather.

Guy was taken aside by E.B. who says to him, "Wow, Guy. Your parents are really cool." She then whispers in his ear, "I can't wait to become their step-granddaughter."

Guy makes a soft chuckle and says to her, "I think they love you too. It's like you and your mom are part of the family already."

The sun began to set. Sam and the kids were catching fireflies. Gluntz was so full of cupcakes, she couldn't even eat a bite of the barbecue. Guy took a look at his watch. Five more minutes until the defining moment of the evening.
At 8 P.M., Guy got everyone's attention and brought Michellee into the middle of the yard with him. After clearing his throat, he holds her hands in his while looking in her eyes and says, "Michellee, for the two years I've been with you, I've never been happier in my entire life and I want you to feel just the same and then some." He then drops on one knee. Michellee gasps and claps her hands over her mouth. Everyone else's eyes brightened. "Michellee Weebie..." She starts fanning her eyes as tears begin forming in them when Guy pulls out a ring. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!", she says with a small squeak in her voice. She leaps forward and hugs him. Everyone starts cheering.

And, of course, Sam and Gluntz were the loudest of everyone.

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