Chapter 2*

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Sam's POV

It has been a week since I met Y/N and during that time Y/N and I have had breakfast together every day after our run. Also Steve has helped me plan out how I'm gonna ask her out. Today is the day where I officially ask her out. I met her at our normal met up spot and we started our run. We talked about the day before and what the day has ahead for us. Then soon it was the end of our run so I knew I had to do it sooner rather than later.

"Hey Y/N I have a quick question for you."

"What's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me tonight at Anthony's bestro?"

"Of course I would Sam what time?"

"Let's say 6:30?"

"Perfect, I'll see you then."

With that Y/N walked away and I noticed that she had a happy little kick in her walk.

"Nice going Sam, you and her are gonna have a great time tonight I know it."

"Thank you Steve, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Also how did you know Y/N loves Anthony's?"

"When we got breakfast this past week she told me she loves that place and you guys go there whenever you and her aren't working."

"That makes sense."

Then Steve and I went our separate ways home. I can't wait to have dinner with my Running babe.

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