Chapter 9

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Edward Nigma rushes to his place. He runs inside and shuts the door fast. "I need a break.. a big.. big break.." He sighs and sits down. "Like hell." 

He hears a voice. It's the mirror's voice but there is no appearance. "What? Where are you?"

The voice laughed, echoing inside Ed's head. "That's because.. my dear friend, you are finally getting the big picture. You're letting me in, soon to be let out." Edward shook his head and pulled on his hair. "Why is this happening to meeee?!!" 

"GCPD!" A knock is heard at the door. Edward looks at the door, worried. "Shit.. no no no! Um yes?!" Edward yelled back. "It's Commissioner Gordon. We have some devastating news." He gets up and opens the door slowly, 

"Oh um hello Commissioner, what brings you here?" Nigma asks. Jim sighed, "Your parents were murdered Mr. Nigma. I'm so sorry." Edward acted surprised. He placed his hand over his heart. "Oh no.. no no you can't be serious." Gordon nodded at him, sadly. "We don't know the killer exactly but his name is 'The Riddler.' But don't you worry, we'll get him.  And it also seems like you're next on his target list Ed." Ed's mind goes blank. The Riddler. Why did that name seem so familiar?

"I'd advise you to stay in here until the end of tonight. It seems like this Riddler fella wants you and something to do with the Wayne Charity Ball tonight." Edward nods, "Nope, yeah you are absolutely right Jimmy. I will stay put HERE." Gordon nods and leaves.

"Like the little name I put for us. It's perfect isn't it? Of course, realistically they'll catch on but ya know, we definitely needs to make a name for ourselves. To gain that respect we so deserve Ed." Nigma looks around, hearing the voice. "What have you done..?" Nigma then gets knocked back suddenly. "Wake up and smell the coffee Edward. We are so done with everything. We need the people to know who we are, to respect us. Isn't that what you always wanted?" Nigma shook his head, getting up and waving it around. "We got it! We work for Wayne and-"

"Oh spare me the 'Wayne' bullshit. You know he only picked you up from that street cause he felt so so so sorry that some pathetic man was on the street begging for a make believe job." Edward rubbed his eyes, tearing up. "No.. you're wrong." 

"Open your eyes Nigma. WE never needed anyone in our life.. you know that. We always were on our own. WE don't need Wayne." His breath started to get shaky. "What about Christina.." 

"She may or may not be an exception. We'll see soon, but for now Edward it's just us. Only us. YOU have to realize the good I'm trying to do for us.. to show that we aren't pathetic, Narrow trash. Not that nerd Dad always hated. We tried to earn what we always wanted, we tried hard."

Nigma's breath stayed shaky, quick deep breaths along with it. "We did earn it.. we have a place in the worl-" 

"WRONG! You were taken in because they felt sorry, you know you always had that feeling Ed. You know damn well, it's time to DEMAND that respect we deserve. To show the world who we are. Not some scientist or Narrow trash. Not some nerd that was abused by a sad excuse for a father," the voice continued. Edward's breath slowed down. His heart began to beat at a normal steady pace. "You can feel all that anger. Admit it.. you loved shutting him up." 

Edward nodded slightly. "Say it." A slight smile formed, "I did.." The voice's laugh echoed. "But what if The Batman or Gordon get us?" The voice chuckled, "Too idiotic. We are smarter. Our strength will finally be put to use CORRECTLY. And.." Edward's eyes were turned to the ripped pieces of the Mind Elevate diagram. 

"Who says we have to stop at respect?" 


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